Origin of this book
Since 2004 conference in Berkeley.
(Subject of a conference at University of California Berkeley, ?Methods in Phonology, honoring John Ohala? [a 3-day meeting on the occasion of my retirement] June 2004 )
In honor of Ohala
(John J. Ohala is Emeritus Professor of Linguistics. He has been on the Berkeley faculty since 1970. His research interests are in experimental phonology and phonetics and ethological aspects of communication, including speech perception, sound change, phonetic and phonological universals, psycholinguistic studies in phonology, and sound symbolism. )
The focus of the book
Two main areas
(1)Experimental methods
Testing hypotheses of listener’s knowledge, acquisition, and the laws of the system
The current changes
Structure of grammar and the representation of mind & brain
The availability of new technology, and linguistic corpora, and the new ground
Cognitive sciences, unified language and speech
Model Behaviors & phonological patterns
(2)Phonological findings
Types of answers & insights into phonological structure
4 parts
Explaining phonological universals
Understanding the phonetic factors
Maintaining , enhancing & modeling phonological contrast
Assessing phonological knowledge
Experimental phonology Ch1 Outline
Ch1 Methods in Phonology
1.1 Introduction
Focus on methodology
1.2 Questions, Answers, Method
Questions it asks
The answers given to questions
The methods used to marshal evidence in support of the theories
1.2.1 Questions
Broad questions remarkably constant over time
1.2.2 Theories
Lots of theories to support the board questions
1.2.3 Methods
Experimental or fundamentally empirical
Method tends to accumulate in a discipline
New method may revolutionize a discipline