2010年2月16日 星期二

My Chinese New Year: my grandfather

I seldom went back to Nantou to see my 92-years-old grand father.
Just 2 or 3 times per year.

This Chinese New Year, we spent 3 days with him.

I felt sad for him.

Aging effected his life tremendously, hearing, chewing (teeth), heart, stomach, etc.
My grandfather couldn't do something.

Yet, he could do some other things I couldn't:
He lived a simple life; he lived in a house; he enjoyed the fresh air, and etc.

I knew what I do right now would influence my lives in the future:
life style, job, health condition, spouse, kids, and etc.

The weather was becoming cold when I was back to Taipei.
Sure, my knees were “kind of stiff.”


I can't feel sad for myself.

I need to be responsible for what I have done in the past; I have to be responsible for myself in the future.

I need to get my mater thesis done by June, 2010, and get my knees better this year.