平常都是開車或坐車出門, 常常桃園-台中-南投"秀一下" 就飆完路程, 中間經過的地方都模模糊糊的.
但是, 看了些小旅行的書, 就認同這種舒壓的方式.
在平常的繁忙生活外, 偶爾就只是覺得該出去走走, 想完成一些[藉鐵道去認識台灣]的小旅行. 時機對了就出門了.
平常約人, 這個不行, 那個不行, 等到他有空...............
yeah, I go out for travelling.
wa, now there is different version of "No crossing" at Taoyuan Train Station.
這次鐵道小旅行我想要補齊上次沒帶相機的遺憾, 結果..........下大雨.........==
一路上就是祈禱不要下雨, 我不要當"新竹雨神", 結果還是應驗了"只要我去新竹玩, 就會下雨" =="
躲完雨後, 在巷弄間走, 這很復古之外, 還有人在練鋼琴的聲音, ha........
Maybe it's this way, my piano can catch somebody's attention when I was practicing it.
After the rain, I took my camera to shoot this old building. The right bottom of it, it's the people who live in this building.
I think this is new train station called "北湖", also named "中國科技大學站". This station looked like the HSR style.
This tree is very big, so big that I use my umbrella to let you know the real size. Just next to the train station.
我這幾天再去翻了一下[小站, 輕旅行]的書, 我喜歡作者的筆調.
她也有描寫富岡車站, 我同意他的說法, 這裡有種時光停留在過去的fu
第一次坐火車來湖口, 沒有先做功課, 不知道如何去湖口老街, +
我到時也已經黃昏了. 隨意看家店, 就進去吃晚餐. 哇! 這客家湯圓好吃