LBT042-046惠珍 Done on Jan 12’09
According to Schultz(1958), the arch circumscribed by the upper teeth, schematically represented in Fig 2.12, does not differ basically in man and the other Hominoidea. Nor is the basic plan of the molars and incisors different in any significant way. One derivation in the shape of man’s denture is the conspicuous absence of the enlarged canines which are so prominent in most males od most other primate forms. Owning to the great evenness in height and width of all teeth in man, the denture forms an unbroken palisade around the oral cavity. This structural peculiarity is the essential prerequisite for the production of spirant sounds such as f, v, s, sh, th, and others.
根據Schultz,是上面的牙齒造籌這樣的拱形, 就像2.12圖示, 人類和人猿並沒有不同. 人類前齒的臼齒,是犬齒很明顯的放大,而這也發生在大部份的靈長類的男性。整個口腔的防衛齒列,是因為有人類高度和寬度平均發展的牙齒。這對發出麼擦因是不可或缺的,例如:f, v, s, sh, th,及其他。
The position of the epiglotiss with respect to the soft palate has been the subject of much discussion in connection with the development of speech. From sagittal sections such as those shown in Fig 2.7-2.11, we see hat in man the epiglottis is located much lower than in lost other primates. One the other hand, the epiglottis seems to be in close contact with the soft palate in the lower species and at least in close proximity in the Pongidae. Negus(1929), Kelemen(1938 and 1948), DuBrul(1958), and many others have concluded from this that only man was capable of conducting the glottis-produced sounds through the oral cavity, whereas other primates had the sounds directed through their nasal cavity. Stack and Schneider (1960) have pointed out that these conclusions may not be warranted, and that the basic anatomical facts have easily disarranged in the process of fixation, and organs often become displaced in the course of anatomical dissections.
喉頭蓋的位置,是因為軟顎是主要和發音有關的。從2.7-2.11圖示中, 箭狀的部份可看出喉頭蓋世在比較低的位置。 另一個角度來說,喉頭蓋似乎比靠近軟顎的位置,在猩猩科,至少是這樣的。 Negus(1929), Kelemen(1938 and 1948), DuBrul(1958), 還有其他人,認為只有喉頭蓋發音是在口腔發音部位。其他的靈長類則是用鼻子發音。Stack and Schneider (1960)指出:在基本解剖學上,還有很多不足的地方。測量變成了弄亂定影的方式,其他解剖學上也會搞錯。
(3) Intrinsic Anatomy of the Larynx
Each species of the Hominoidea has a differently shaped larynx with a great many variations and specializations in the individual mechanism that are inherent in this intricate apparatus. The most recent survey of all comparative investigations of primate larynges was contributed by Starck and Schneider (1960), who may be consulted for further details. We can only report on a few of the more obviously voice-related differenced.
每種人猿的喉頭都是由很多不同的方式,和獨特的機制構成, 和內部器官相輔相成。 最近有Starck and Schneider (1960)對靈長類的喉頭作對比的研究,有多的細節。我們現在只能指出和聲音相關的不同之處。
The complex construction and the irregular shape of the larynx make it impossible to find comparable anatomic preparations or diagrams in any literature. Therefore, our pictorial material here is confined to reproducing the few schemata shown in Fig . 2013 and 2014, which illustrate some of the variability encountered in comparing the voice box of higher primates.
喉頭的複雜的構造害不規則的形狀,在任何時候,使得解剖都很難。因此,在這邊的2.13 和2.14圖示,就顯示出了照片的難能可貴之處,也顯示了靈長類的發音器官的不同之處。