2008年12月17日 星期三
2008年12月16日 星期二
2008年12月15日 星期一
2008年12月8日 星期一
[生物] translation LBT004-007 惠珍Translation (Done)
LBT004-007惠珍 updated on Jan 5’ 09 (Done)
Chapter 1, section II)
There is evidence (1) that the issues of the brain and the rest of the body constitute an organic, interdependent unit; and (2) that organisms are not programmed for their behavior by an ex-machina force, but instead they develop a program ontogenetically together with nervous and nonnervous tissues.
有證據顯示(1)「大腦的細胞組織」和「身體的其他的部分」是組成生物體這互相依賴的有機體。(2)這有機體並不是以他行為,或是「大機器」的力量(ex-machina force)來編碼的(programmed)> 而是,生物體根據神經和分神經組織而發展出「個體發生的編碼原則」。
(1) Mutual influence in the development of Nervous and Other Tissue
(1) 在神經和其他細胞相互影響的發展
Let us first consider the developmental relationship between nervous and other tissue. Our discussion can be divided into (a) metabolic or trophic relationships and (b) nonmetabolic, particularly mechanical relationhships.
讓我們把神經和其他細胞發展中玵互相影響的關係,考慮進去。我們的討論可分為2部。(a) 新陳代謝的或是營養的 (b)非新陳代謝的或是特定的物質上的關係。
(a) Trophic Relationships. Nervous tissue stands in an intimate relationship to other tissue anatomically contiguous to it. This is shown most clearly by the essential role played by nerves in the process of regeneration. There are a number of studies available which indicate that regeneration of an entire limb in lower vertebrates (fish, lizards, urodele, salamander, larval anuran, and postmetamorphic frog) and probably also in invertebrates is dependent on the presence of nerves in the amputated stump (Singer, 1959, Gutmann, 1964).
(a) 營養的關係。神經細胞和其他的很自然且連續在一起的細胞組織有很密切的關係。而這很明顯的顯示出在「再生」這過程,神經扮演了很基本的角色。有大量的文獻指出:「在低等脊椎動物上再生出一個肋骨」,無脊椎的如:(魚、蜥蜴、火蜥蜴、幼體無尾目動物、後變態的青蛙,及可能一些依賴神經存在的斷尾的部分。)
In a series of experiments by Schotté and Butler (1944), Singer (1947), and their students, and Nicholas (1949), it has been shown that an amputated limb will not regenerate unless an intact nerve is either present in the remaining stump from the beginning or is transplanted into the cut surface by autograft (however, see Thornton and Steen, 1962). Morphogenesis, that is, an orderly sequence of tissue differentiation and development of the lost appendage, will not ordinarily take place in the absence of living nervous issue during the very first stage of regeneration. If all nerves are removed form this stump during the earliest period, mitotic activity is dramatically slowed down; eventually some small amount of connective tissue, cartilage, and muscle may form in a disorderly nonfunctional fashion, giving a shriveled and shapeless appearance to the stump. If viable nervous tissue is not present from the start of the amputation but brought into the so-called blastema shortly afterward, regeneration takes place but the regenerate limb is poorly developed. The nerve need not be present throughout the entire period of regeneration; once the limb has begun to grow and tissues are sufficiently differentiated, the nerve may be removed without impariment of the morphegenetic potency acquired by these tissues during their earliest stage of formation. Singer (1974) has shown that it does not matter for regeneration what type of nerve, whether motor, sensory, or autonomic, is present in the blastema. It is merely the amount of nervous tissue present that controls the regenerative possibilities. Apparently a product of nerve-cell metabolism induces morphogenesis in the blastema.
在Scotte和 Bluter , Singer 和他們的學生及Nicholas,一系列的實驗中,顯示出:被截斷的肋骨是不會再生,除非他的神經一開始就仍然在存在的斷腿; 或是移植到自體移植皮膚表面的東西。(但,看看Thronton & Steen) 器官再生,就是細胞不同化和很多附屬器官的表層一連串的過程,在很早期的再生狀況下,缺乏活體神經組織之下,是不會發生的。如果所有的義肢、斷腿,都在早期都被移除,那麼有可絲分裂,就會大量下降活動; 甚至其他一些相關連的組織、軟骨、肌肉,都可能形成沒有規則、沒有功能的形狀、沒有用的、沒有形狀的斷腿的外觀。如果,神經細胞不是在開始截肢的時候就找到,是被帶到之後所謂的胚芽,「再生」就會開始。但是再生的肋骨市是「不完全發育」,神經不會在整個再生過程中呈現出來; 一旦,肋骨開始生長,而且組織得到足夠的養分,神經就可以從器官器官再生的部位移除,力量,是細胞在早期形成的時間得到的Singer,則證明了:任何細胞組織,對再生來說,是不相關的,不管是運動、感覺、自動的,都在胚芽中呈現。只是在細胞組織中呈現,然後控制再生的可能性,顯然地,細胞組織新陳代謝的解果會包括批牙器官再生。
These studies leave many questions about the biochemistry of embryology and growth unanswered; yet they do give us a glimpse of the complete interdependence and the natural integration of different tissues in the animal body. This impression is further strengthened if we consider some of the other trophic relationships that nerves have to peripheral tissue (for instance, the well-known fact of denervation atrophy). If the axon of a motor neuron is cut, the portion distal of the cut will die promptly, presumably because of its separation from its source of supply of vital substances (Gerard, 1950). But this is not the extent of the degenerative changes following the section of a motor nerve. The muscle innervated by the nerve will also undergo dystrophic changes with an extremely characteristic histological appearance. The loss of muscle substance is not due to a “functional” disturbance, such as the inhibition of nerve impulse transmission (Hamburger & Levi-Montalcini, 1950) nor due to disuse of the muscle; the muscle cannot be saved from atrophy by passive exercise. Indeed, the metabolic interdependence of nonnervous, peripheral tissue and nervous tissue is proven by the fact that the nerves themselves must have anatomic continuity with muscles for proper metabolic function. Severance of nerve from muscle will induce retrograde changes in the body of the neuron (the soma), known as chromatolysis, which is a sign of dysfunction.
對於生物化學胚胎學成長而言,對很多問題, 很多研究都還沒有有蒙卻的解答。但是, 這與給我們對於完全的依賴 或是再不同動物種類、細胞之間的整合演變,
有一種簡單的了解. 這也亙加強了我們對於其他的發育的關係的關感:細胞只是附屬的(例如:有名的去掉植)【動】脈序;脈狀;翅脈的例子). 如果運動神經的軸索被切斷, 末端的組織就會因為和濫以維生的物質分開而開始死亡。(Gerard1950) 但不是因為退化的物質, 改變運動神經. 而是受受神經支配的 肌肉會被大量的組織物質污染. 這種肌肉的損失是因為「功能亂流」例如;脈搏的跳動(Hamburger1950) 也不是因為肌肉組織造成的 ; 肌肉無法被動的發育停止. 反而是, 非細胞間的心陳代謝作用, 其他週邊的組織和神經細胞被證明了:是自動連續性的神經而且帶來了合適的新陳代謝. 有很多的肌肉神經, 會在神經元內減少, (體細胞) 就是「色原溶解;核染質溶解;染色質溶解消失;色素溶解消失」也是代表了「官能障礙」
Perhaps the most striking evidence for the subtle but definite interdependence of peripheral structures and the central nervous system is provided by the stunted growth resulting from large cerebro-hemispheric and specifically parietal lobe lesions in the neonate human. This phenomenon was described by Macdonald Critchley (1955) and has been generally known to occur in connection with a condition called infantile hemiplegia. The stunting of the body side contralateral to the brain lesion occurs both in congenital and in acquired infantile hemiplegia and is not due to disuse, first because all tissues in the extremities involved are equally affected and second, because the arrest of growth starts at birth in the congenital cases, that is, before either the affected or the unaffected side is actively being used (Holt, 1961). These cases are even more interesting in the present context than the denervation atrohy, because here we see a relation between the highest level of the central nervous system and nonnervous structures of the periphery. Because the cells of the cerebral cortex are separated from those on the periphery by several internuncial neurons, there is an indication of a very subtle control that the higher centers of the central nervous system appear to exe3rcise upon the development of the body as a whole.
,在未滿月的)嬰兒時,會造成腦部的和顱頂骨腦的葉的器官損害。Macdonald 曾提過這種現象,而且他也想知道這種關聯:「未滿月的」嬰兒的未滿月的)嬰兒」。這種一連串的對於大腦的損害也會發生在先天的和後來得到的嬰兒的半身不遂,也不全是因為廢棄不使用的關係,而是因為末端的組織已經被感染。再者,在先天的生長案例中,還沒被感染的也會污染,這種狀況常常發生(Holt 1961)這狀況比起沒有脈落的萎縮現在的內容還有趣。因為我們看到了更高一樓的中央神經系統和其他的附近非神經的結構。因為大腦的皮質細胞是由不同的(神經細胞間之)聯絡的相連而成, 所以,更高一樓的中央神經系統是很精密的活動著,這也反映在整體的身體運作。
(b) Mechanical Relationships. In addition to the metabolic influences between nervous tissue and other tissue, morphogenesis is controlled by several other factors, some of which are indirectly related to neurophysiology. A good illustration is furnished by the mechanical forces exerted upon growing tissue, particularly bone, which stimulate cell division in certain directions. As muscles are innervated and begin to function, they exert a pull upon the boned to which they are attached and thus help shape the internal structure of this tissue.
(b) 機械學的,力學的;物理的關係
It has often been noted (and, unfortunately, frequently been emphasized out of all proportion to its true importance) that the architecture of certain organs is ideally suited to their function. An excellent example of this was provided by D’Arcy Thompson (1942) who wrote, “In all the mechanical side of anatomy nothing can be more beautiful than the construction of a vulture’s metacarpal bone. The engineer sees in it a perfect Warren’s truss, just such a one as is often used for a main rib in an aeroplane.” The fundamental schema of the shape of individual bones and the skeleton as a whole are undoubtedly the result of evolutionary processes including selection and adaptation on a phylogenetic rather than an ontogenetic scale (Hackenbroch, 1957-1962). However, the actual realization of what is only potentially present in the fertilized egg is largely dependent upon factors which are active during ontogenesis. This is vest illustrated by the development of the internal structure of bones.
(很不幸的,常很少對於其重要性有成相對應的重視,有些器官的組成就是很符合本身的功能 )是很常被注意的。D’Arcy Thompson 就提供了個很好的例子,他寫道:『在解剖學的物理現象中,謀有什麼比禿鷹的手掌的骨頭更漂亮。這位工程師把它當成「養兔場的兔子」疝帶,托帶(Warren’s truss),就像飛機的主要肋骨架構』每跟骨頭的形狀的基本形狀都不同,而且,整個身體的支架也是進化的結果,包含了動植物種類史的選擇和突變,而不是個體發生的方向(Hachkenbroch,1957-1962)。但是,真正有可能在受精卵出現的時候,適一存在個體發生的過程中。骨頭的內部結構正好說明了這一點。
In 1866, a Swiss engineer, Culmann, noted that the internal trusses in the head of a human femur, anatomically known as trabeculae, were oriented in exactly the direction of the lines of maximum internal stress. He drew a diagram of a curved rod showing the lines of stress resulting from the application of a load from above (Fig. 1.1a). The model somewhat resembled the head of a derrick which he had just designed, and it is therefore referred to as a crane’s head. It bears a striking similarity to a section of the head of the femur (Fig. 1.1c). Culmann’s idea gave rise to J. Wolff’s famous theory expressed in his monograph on The Law of Bone Transformation (1870), according to which every change in the function of a bone produces changes in its trabecular architecture and external form in conformity with mathematical, static laws. The theory has since been criticized (Küntsher, 1934, 1936), modified (Murray, 1936), and elaborated upon (Evans, 1955, 1957, 1960; Carey, 1929). However, the idea is widely accepted today that muscles, through the tonus already present on early embryonic life, exert essential forces upon the growing bone. These pressures, together with those produced by differential growth of various parts of the embryo, result in stresses and strains which are the prerequisite stimuli for proper bone formation. [end]
在1866年,一個瑞士的工程師,Columann則對於人體的股骨的街頭內部分隔帶,則會在最大的內部壓力下,精確的呈現了其線條。他劃一個灣區的桿,則顯示壓力線下壓力會造成上面所提到的作用(Fig. 1.1a)。這種模式就好像他設計的油井的鐵支架一樣,也像個鶴的頭。它可以接受股骨的接頭部份所承受的壓力(Fig. 1.1c)。Culmann的想法影響了後來的J. Wolff有名的理論,顯現在他1870《骨頭的轉變法則》專題論文中 :在製造每個骨頭的功能時都會改變他的分隔帶的狀況,而且,外部形式時複合數學、統計法則的。(Kuntscher 1934,1936), 攻擊得理論,(Murry, 1936) 修改他,(Evans, 1955, 1957,1960; Carey, 1929)則把這理論發揚光大。但是,在今天大部人接受的肌肉理論,是藉由早期的初期/胎兒生物所呈現出肌肉強直性,在成長中的骨頭運作其基本的力量。這些壓力伴隨著胚胎不同階段的成長過程,會造成壓力,及對骨頭成長不可或缺的刺激的拉緊。
l New Words: Ontogeny: 【生】個體發生;個體發生學 Independent : 相互依賴的;互助的 ontogenetically: adj of ontogeny Ex-machina : is an American creator-owned comic book series created by Brian K. Vaughan and Tony Harris, and published by DC Comics under the Wildstorm imprint. Metabolic: 新陳代謝的 Trophic營養的;有關營養的 Regeneration:再生 contiguous連續的 limb 肢;臂;腳;翼; 大樹枝,主枝; 分支;執行者,代理人 vertebrates 脊椎動物 lizard: 蜥蜴 urodele salamander (傳說中生活在火中的)火蜥蜴,火蛇;火精,火怪 larval anuran, 幼蟲的;幼體的 anuran無尾目動物(蛙、蛤蟆等等) postmetamorphic :後變態的 amputated 醫】切斷;鋸掉;截(肢) stump口】腿;義肢[P] autograft 醫】自身移植物(如皮膚等) Morphogenesis, 器官發生 appendage, 生】附屬器官,附屬肢體(如臂、腿、尾等) mitotic 生】有絲分裂的 cartilage 【解】軟骨原骨,軟骨成骨 shriveled使束手無策;使無能為力;使無用 blastema 【生】胚芽 autonomic【生】自律的 embryology 胚胎學 denervation;去掉植】【動】脈序;脈狀;翅脈atrophy醫】萎縮;發育停止;虛脫 distal 【解】末梢部的;末端的 innervated使(器官、肌肉等)受神經支配 dystrophic (家庭或工業垃圾等對水的)污染 histological 組織學的 retrograde後退的;逆行的;退化的 soma【生】體細胞 chromatolysis【生】【醫】色原溶解;核染質溶解;染色質溶解消失;色素溶解消失 dysfunction. 官能不良;官能障礙
l cerebro-hemispheric 腦部的parietal【生】腔壁的;【解】顱頂骨的;【植】子房壁的 lobe【解】(腦、 肺等的)葉 lesions機能障礙;器官損害neonate (未滿月的)嬰兒 hemiplegia半身麻痺;半身不遂contralateral congenital天生的;先天的
l nternuncial 【解】(神經細胞間之)聯絡的 furnished 給(房間)配置(傢俱等);裝備[(+with)] metacarpal【解】掌的;掌部的 Warren’s truss Aeroplane【英】飛機[C] Femur解】股骨;【昆】股節 Trabeculae【解】分隔帶
l derrick:【機】轉臂起重機 / 油井的鐵架塔embryonic 胚芽的;胎兒的 prerequisite不可缺的;事先需要的;必修
LBT004-007惠珍 updated on Jan 5’ 09 (Done)
Chapter 1, section II)
There is evidence (1) that the issues of the brain and the rest of the body constitute an organic, interdependent unit; and (2) that organisms are not programmed for their behavior by an ex-machina force, but instead they develop a program ontogenetically together with nervous and nonnervous tissues.
有證據顯示(1)「大腦的細胞組織」和「身體的其他的部分」是組成生物體這互相依賴的有機體。(2)這有機體並不是以他行為,或是「大機器」的力量(ex-machina force)來編碼的(programmed)> 而是,生物體根據神經和分神經組織而發展出「個體發生的編碼原則」。
(1) Mutual influence in the development of Nervous and Other Tissue
(1) 在神經和其他細胞相互影響的發展
Let us first consider the developmental relationship between nervous and other tissue. Our discussion can be divided into (a) metabolic or trophic relationships and (b) nonmetabolic, particularly mechanical relationhships.
讓我們把神經和其他細胞發展中玵互相影響的關係,考慮進去。我們的討論可分為2部。(a) 新陳代謝的或是營養的 (b)非新陳代謝的或是特定的物質上的關係。
(a) Trophic Relationships. Nervous tissue stands in an intimate relationship to other tissue anatomically contiguous to it. This is shown most clearly by the essential role played by nerves in the process of regeneration. There are a number of studies available which indicate that regeneration of an entire limb in lower vertebrates (fish, lizards, urodele, salamander, larval anuran, and postmetamorphic frog) and probably also in invertebrates is dependent on the presence of nerves in the amputated stump (Singer, 1959, Gutmann, 1964).
(a) 營養的關係。神經細胞和其他的很自然且連續在一起的細胞組織有很密切的關係。而這很明顯的顯示出在「再生」這過程,神經扮演了很基本的角色。有大量的文獻指出:「在低等脊椎動物上再生出一個肋骨」,無脊椎的如:(魚、蜥蜴、火蜥蜴、幼體無尾目動物、後變態的青蛙,及可能一些依賴神經存在的斷尾的部分。)
In a series of experiments by Schotté and Butler (1944), Singer (1947), and their students, and Nicholas (1949), it has been shown that an amputated limb will not regenerate unless an intact nerve is either present in the remaining stump from the beginning or is transplanted into the cut surface by autograft (however, see Thornton and Steen, 1962). Morphogenesis, that is, an orderly sequence of tissue differentiation and development of the lost appendage, will not ordinarily take place in the absence of living nervous issue during the very first stage of regeneration. If all nerves are removed form this stump during the earliest period, mitotic activity is dramatically slowed down; eventually some small amount of connective tissue, cartilage, and muscle may form in a disorderly nonfunctional fashion, giving a shriveled and shapeless appearance to the stump. If viable nervous tissue is not present from the start of the amputation but brought into the so-called blastema shortly afterward, regeneration takes place but the regenerate limb is poorly developed. The nerve need not be present throughout the entire period of regeneration; once the limb has begun to grow and tissues are sufficiently differentiated, the nerve may be removed without impariment of the morphegenetic potency acquired by these tissues during their earliest stage of formation. Singer (1974) has shown that it does not matter for regeneration what type of nerve, whether motor, sensory, or autonomic, is present in the blastema. It is merely the amount of nervous tissue present that controls the regenerative possibilities. Apparently a product of nerve-cell metabolism induces morphogenesis in the blastema.
在Scotte和 Bluter , Singer 和他們的學生及Nicholas,一系列的實驗中,顯示出:被截斷的肋骨是不會再生,除非他的神經一開始就仍然在存在的斷腿; 或是移植到自體移植皮膚表面的東西。(但,看看Thronton & Steen) 器官再生,就是細胞不同化和很多附屬器官的表層一連串的過程,在很早期的再生狀況下,缺乏活體神經組織之下,是不會發生的。如果所有的義肢、斷腿,都在早期都被移除,那麼有可絲分裂,就會大量下降活動; 甚至其他一些相關連的組織、軟骨、肌肉,都可能形成沒有規則、沒有功能的形狀、沒有用的、沒有形狀的斷腿的外觀。如果,神經細胞不是在開始截肢的時候就找到,是被帶到之後所謂的胚芽,「再生」就會開始。但是再生的肋骨市是「不完全發育」,神經不會在整個再生過程中呈現出來; 一旦,肋骨開始生長,而且組織得到足夠的養分,神經就可以從器官器官再生的部位移除,力量,是細胞在早期形成的時間得到的Singer,則證明了:任何細胞組織,對再生來說,是不相關的,不管是運動、感覺、自動的,都在胚芽中呈現。只是在細胞組織中呈現,然後控制再生的可能性,顯然地,細胞組織新陳代謝的解果會包括批牙器官再生。
These studies leave many questions about the biochemistry of embryology and growth unanswered; yet they do give us a glimpse of the complete interdependence and the natural integration of different tissues in the animal body. This impression is further strengthened if we consider some of the other trophic relationships that nerves have to peripheral tissue (for instance, the well-known fact of denervation atrophy). If the axon of a motor neuron is cut, the portion distal of the cut will die promptly, presumably because of its separation from its source of supply of vital substances (Gerard, 1950). But this is not the extent of the degenerative changes following the section of a motor nerve. The muscle innervated by the nerve will also undergo dystrophic changes with an extremely characteristic histological appearance. The loss of muscle substance is not due to a “functional” disturbance, such as the inhibition of nerve impulse transmission (Hamburger & Levi-Montalcini, 1950) nor due to disuse of the muscle; the muscle cannot be saved from atrophy by passive exercise. Indeed, the metabolic interdependence of nonnervous, peripheral tissue and nervous tissue is proven by the fact that the nerves themselves must have anatomic continuity with muscles for proper metabolic function. Severance of nerve from muscle will induce retrograde changes in the body of the neuron (the soma), known as chromatolysis, which is a sign of dysfunction.
對於生物化學胚胎學成長而言,對很多問題, 很多研究都還沒有有蒙卻的解答。但是, 這與給我們對於完全的依賴 或是再不同動物種類、細胞之間的整合演變,
有一種簡單的了解. 這也亙加強了我們對於其他的發育的關係的關感:細胞只是附屬的(例如:有名的去掉植)【動】脈序;脈狀;翅脈的例子). 如果運動神經的軸索被切斷, 末端的組織就會因為和濫以維生的物質分開而開始死亡。(Gerard1950) 但不是因為退化的物質, 改變運動神經. 而是受受神經支配的 肌肉會被大量的組織物質污染. 這種肌肉的損失是因為「功能亂流」例如;脈搏的跳動(Hamburger1950) 也不是因為肌肉組織造成的 ; 肌肉無法被動的發育停止. 反而是, 非細胞間的心陳代謝作用, 其他週邊的組織和神經細胞被證明了:是自動連續性的神經而且帶來了合適的新陳代謝. 有很多的肌肉神經, 會在神經元內減少, (體細胞) 就是「色原溶解;核染質溶解;染色質溶解消失;色素溶解消失」也是代表了「官能障礙」
Perhaps the most striking evidence for the subtle but definite interdependence of peripheral structures and the central nervous system is provided by the stunted growth resulting from large cerebro-hemispheric and specifically parietal lobe lesions in the neonate human. This phenomenon was described by Macdonald Critchley (1955) and has been generally known to occur in connection with a condition called infantile hemiplegia. The stunting of the body side contralateral to the brain lesion occurs both in congenital and in acquired infantile hemiplegia and is not due to disuse, first because all tissues in the extremities involved are equally affected and second, because the arrest of growth starts at birth in the congenital cases, that is, before either the affected or the unaffected side is actively being used (Holt, 1961). These cases are even more interesting in the present context than the denervation atrohy, because here we see a relation between the highest level of the central nervous system and nonnervous structures of the periphery. Because the cells of the cerebral cortex are separated from those on the periphery by several internuncial neurons, there is an indication of a very subtle control that the higher centers of the central nervous system appear to exe3rcise upon the development of the body as a whole.
,在未滿月的)嬰兒時,會造成腦部的和顱頂骨腦的葉的器官損害。Macdonald 曾提過這種現象,而且他也想知道這種關聯:「未滿月的」嬰兒的未滿月的)嬰兒」。這種一連串的對於大腦的損害也會發生在先天的和後來得到的嬰兒的半身不遂,也不全是因為廢棄不使用的關係,而是因為末端的組織已經被感染。再者,在先天的生長案例中,還沒被感染的也會污染,這種狀況常常發生(Holt 1961)這狀況比起沒有脈落的萎縮現在的內容還有趣。因為我們看到了更高一樓的中央神經系統和其他的附近非神經的結構。因為大腦的皮質細胞是由不同的(神經細胞間之)聯絡的相連而成, 所以,更高一樓的中央神經系統是很精密的活動著,這也反映在整體的身體運作。
(b) Mechanical Relationships. In addition to the metabolic influences between nervous tissue and other tissue, morphogenesis is controlled by several other factors, some of which are indirectly related to neurophysiology. A good illustration is furnished by the mechanical forces exerted upon growing tissue, particularly bone, which stimulate cell division in certain directions. As muscles are innervated and begin to function, they exert a pull upon the boned to which they are attached and thus help shape the internal structure of this tissue.
(b) 機械學的,力學的;物理的關係
It has often been noted (and, unfortunately, frequently been emphasized out of all proportion to its true importance) that the architecture of certain organs is ideally suited to their function. An excellent example of this was provided by D’Arcy Thompson (1942) who wrote, “In all the mechanical side of anatomy nothing can be more beautiful than the construction of a vulture’s metacarpal bone. The engineer sees in it a perfect Warren’s truss, just such a one as is often used for a main rib in an aeroplane.” The fundamental schema of the shape of individual bones and the skeleton as a whole are undoubtedly the result of evolutionary processes including selection and adaptation on a phylogenetic rather than an ontogenetic scale (Hackenbroch, 1957-1962). However, the actual realization of what is only potentially present in the fertilized egg is largely dependent upon factors which are active during ontogenesis. This is vest illustrated by the development of the internal structure of bones.
(很不幸的,常很少對於其重要性有成相對應的重視,有些器官的組成就是很符合本身的功能 )是很常被注意的。D’Arcy Thompson 就提供了個很好的例子,他寫道:『在解剖學的物理現象中,謀有什麼比禿鷹的手掌的骨頭更漂亮。這位工程師把它當成「養兔場的兔子」疝帶,托帶(Warren’s truss),就像飛機的主要肋骨架構』每跟骨頭的形狀的基本形狀都不同,而且,整個身體的支架也是進化的結果,包含了動植物種類史的選擇和突變,而不是個體發生的方向(Hachkenbroch,1957-1962)。但是,真正有可能在受精卵出現的時候,適一存在個體發生的過程中。骨頭的內部結構正好說明了這一點。
In 1866, a Swiss engineer, Culmann, noted that the internal trusses in the head of a human femur, anatomically known as trabeculae, were oriented in exactly the direction of the lines of maximum internal stress. He drew a diagram of a curved rod showing the lines of stress resulting from the application of a load from above (Fig. 1.1a). The model somewhat resembled the head of a derrick which he had just designed, and it is therefore referred to as a crane’s head. It bears a striking similarity to a section of the head of the femur (Fig. 1.1c). Culmann’s idea gave rise to J. Wolff’s famous theory expressed in his monograph on The Law of Bone Transformation (1870), according to which every change in the function of a bone produces changes in its trabecular architecture and external form in conformity with mathematical, static laws. The theory has since been criticized (Küntsher, 1934, 1936), modified (Murray, 1936), and elaborated upon (Evans, 1955, 1957, 1960; Carey, 1929). However, the idea is widely accepted today that muscles, through the tonus already present on early embryonic life, exert essential forces upon the growing bone. These pressures, together with those produced by differential growth of various parts of the embryo, result in stresses and strains which are the prerequisite stimuli for proper bone formation. [end]
在1866年,一個瑞士的工程師,Columann則對於人體的股骨的街頭內部分隔帶,則會在最大的內部壓力下,精確的呈現了其線條。他劃一個灣區的桿,則顯示壓力線下壓力會造成上面所提到的作用(Fig. 1.1a)。這種模式就好像他設計的油井的鐵支架一樣,也像個鶴的頭。它可以接受股骨的接頭部份所承受的壓力(Fig. 1.1c)。Culmann的想法影響了後來的J. Wolff有名的理論,顯現在他1870《骨頭的轉變法則》專題論文中 :在製造每個骨頭的功能時都會改變他的分隔帶的狀況,而且,外部形式時複合數學、統計法則的。(Kuntscher 1934,1936), 攻擊得理論,(Murry, 1936) 修改他,(Evans, 1955, 1957,1960; Carey, 1929)則把這理論發揚光大。但是,在今天大部人接受的肌肉理論,是藉由早期的初期/胎兒生物所呈現出肌肉強直性,在成長中的骨頭運作其基本的力量。這些壓力伴隨著胚胎不同階段的成長過程,會造成壓力,及對骨頭成長不可或缺的刺激的拉緊。
l New Words: Ontogeny: 【生】個體發生;個體發生學 Independent : 相互依賴的;互助的 ontogenetically: adj of ontogeny Ex-machina : is an American creator-owned comic book series created by Brian K. Vaughan and Tony Harris, and published by DC Comics under the Wildstorm imprint. Metabolic: 新陳代謝的 Trophic營養的;有關營養的 Regeneration:再生 contiguous連續的 limb 肢;臂;腳;翼; 大樹枝,主枝; 分支;執行者,代理人 vertebrates 脊椎動物 lizard: 蜥蜴 urodele salamander (傳說中生活在火中的)火蜥蜴,火蛇;火精,火怪 larval anuran, 幼蟲的;幼體的 anuran無尾目動物(蛙、蛤蟆等等) postmetamorphic :後變態的 amputated 醫】切斷;鋸掉;截(肢) stump口】腿;義肢[P] autograft 醫】自身移植物(如皮膚等) Morphogenesis, 器官發生 appendage, 生】附屬器官,附屬肢體(如臂、腿、尾等) mitotic 生】有絲分裂的 cartilage 【解】軟骨原骨,軟骨成骨 shriveled使束手無策;使無能為力;使無用 blastema 【生】胚芽 autonomic【生】自律的 embryology 胚胎學 denervation;去掉植】【動】脈序;脈狀;翅脈atrophy醫】萎縮;發育停止;虛脫 distal 【解】末梢部的;末端的 innervated使(器官、肌肉等)受神經支配 dystrophic (家庭或工業垃圾等對水的)污染 histological 組織學的 retrograde後退的;逆行的;退化的 soma【生】體細胞 chromatolysis【生】【醫】色原溶解;核染質溶解;染色質溶解消失;色素溶解消失 dysfunction. 官能不良;官能障礙
l cerebro-hemispheric 腦部的parietal【生】腔壁的;【解】顱頂骨的;【植】子房壁的 lobe【解】(腦、 肺等的)葉 lesions機能障礙;器官損害neonate (未滿月的)嬰兒 hemiplegia半身麻痺;半身不遂contralateral congenital天生的;先天的
l nternuncial 【解】(神經細胞間之)聯絡的 furnished 給(房間)配置(傢俱等);裝備[(+with)] metacarpal【解】掌的;掌部的 Warren’s truss Aeroplane【英】飛機[C] Femur解】股骨;【昆】股節 Trabeculae【解】分隔帶
l derrick:【機】轉臂起重機 / 油井的鐵架塔embryonic 胚芽的;胎兒的 prerequisite不可缺的;事先需要的;必修
Chapter 1, section II)
There is evidence (1) that the issues of the brain and the rest of the body constitute an organic, interdependent unit; and (2) that organisms are not programmed for their behavior by an ex-machina force, but instead they develop a program ontogenetically together with nervous and nonnervous tissues.
有證據顯示(1)「大腦的細胞組織」和「身體的其他的部分」是組成生物體這互相依賴的有機體。(2)這有機體並不是以他行為,或是「大機器」的力量(ex-machina force)來編碼的(programmed)> 而是,生物體根據神經和分神經組織而發展出「個體發生的編碼原則」。
(1) Mutual influence in the development of Nervous and Other Tissue
(1) 在神經和其他細胞相互影響的發展
Let us first consider the developmental relationship between nervous and other tissue. Our discussion can be divided into (a) metabolic or trophic relationships and (b) nonmetabolic, particularly mechanical relationhships.
讓我們把神經和其他細胞發展中玵互相影響的關係,考慮進去。我們的討論可分為2部。(a) 新陳代謝的或是營養的 (b)非新陳代謝的或是特定的物質上的關係。
(a) Trophic Relationships. Nervous tissue stands in an intimate relationship to other tissue anatomically contiguous to it. This is shown most clearly by the essential role played by nerves in the process of regeneration. There are a number of studies available which indicate that regeneration of an entire limb in lower vertebrates (fish, lizards, urodele, salamander, larval anuran, and postmetamorphic frog) and probably also in invertebrates is dependent on the presence of nerves in the amputated stump (Singer, 1959, Gutmann, 1964).
(a) 營養的關係。神經細胞和其他的很自然且連續在一起的細胞組織有很密切的關係。而這很明顯的顯示出在「再生」這過程,神經扮演了很基本的角色。有大量的文獻指出:「在低等脊椎動物上再生出一個肋骨」,無脊椎的如:(魚、蜥蜴、火蜥蜴、幼體無尾目動物、後變態的青蛙,及可能一些依賴神經存在的斷尾的部分。)
In a series of experiments by Schotté and Butler (1944), Singer (1947), and their students, and Nicholas (1949), it has been shown that an amputated limb will not regenerate unless an intact nerve is either present in the remaining stump from the beginning or is transplanted into the cut surface by autograft (however, see Thornton and Steen, 1962). Morphogenesis, that is, an orderly sequence of tissue differentiation and development of the lost appendage, will not ordinarily take place in the absence of living nervous issue during the very first stage of regeneration. If all nerves are removed form this stump during the earliest period, mitotic activity is dramatically slowed down; eventually some small amount of connective tissue, cartilage, and muscle may form in a disorderly nonfunctional fashion, giving a shriveled and shapeless appearance to the stump. If viable nervous tissue is not present from the start of the amputation but brought into the so-called blastema shortly afterward, regeneration takes place but the regenerate limb is poorly developed. The nerve need not be present throughout the entire period of regeneration; once the limb has begun to grow and tissues are sufficiently differentiated, the nerve may be removed without impariment of the morphegenetic potency acquired by these tissues during their earliest stage of formation. Singer (1974) has shown that it does not matter for regeneration what type of nerve, whether motor, sensory, or autonomic, is present in the blastema. It is merely the amount of nervous tissue present that controls the regenerative possibilities. Apparently a product of nerve-cell metabolism induces morphogenesis in the blastema.
在Scotte和 Bluter , Singer 和他們的學生及Nicholas,一系列的實驗中,顯示出:被截斷的肋骨是不會再生,除非他的神經一開始就仍然在存在的斷腿; 或是移植到自體移植皮膚表面的東西。(但,看看Thronton & Steen) 器官再生,就是細胞不同化和很多附屬器官的表層一連串的過程,在很早期的再生狀況下,缺乏活體神經組織之下,是不會發生的。如果所有的義肢、斷腿,都在早期都被移除,那麼有可絲分裂,就會大量下降活動; 甚至其他一些相關連的組織、軟骨、肌肉,都可能形成沒有規則、沒有功能的形狀、沒有用的、沒有形狀的斷腿的外觀。如果,神經細胞不是在開始截肢的時候就找到,是被帶到之後所謂的胚芽,「再生」就會開始。但是再生的肋骨市是「不完全發育」,神經不會在整個再生過程中呈現出來; 一旦,肋骨開始生長,而且組織得到足夠的養分,神經就可以從器官器官再生的部位移除,力量,是細胞在早期形成的時間得到的Singer,則證明了:任何細胞組織,對再生來說,是不相關的,不管是運動、感覺、自動的,都在胚芽中呈現。只是在細胞組織中呈現,然後控制再生的可能性,顯然地,細胞組織新陳代謝的解果會包括批牙器官再生。
These studies leave many questions about the biochemistry of embryology and growth unanswered; yet they do give us a glimpse of the complete interdependence and the natural integration of different tissues in the animal body. This impression is further strengthened if we consider some of the other trophic relationships that nerves have to peripheral tissue (for instance, the well-known fact of denervation atrophy). If the axon of a motor neuron is cut, the portion distal of the cut will die promptly, presumably because of its separation from its source of supply of vital substances (Gerard, 1950). But this is not the extent of the degenerative changes following the section of a motor nerve. The muscle innervated by the nerve will also undergo dystrophic changes with an extremely characteristic histological appearance. The loss of muscle substance is not due to a “functional” disturbance, such as the inhibition of nerve impulse transmission (Hamburger & Levi-Montalcini, 1950) nor due to disuse of the muscle; the muscle cannot be saved from atrophy by passive exercise. Indeed, the metabolic interdependence of nonnervous, peripheral tissue and nervous tissue is proven by the fact that the nerves themselves must have anatomic continuity with muscles for proper metabolic function. Severance of nerve from muscle will induce retrograde changes in the body of the neuron (the soma), known as chromatolysis, which is a sign of dysfunction.
對於生物化學胚胎學成長而言,對很多問題, 很多研究都還沒有有蒙卻的解答。但是, 這與給我們對於完全的依賴 或是再不同動物種類、細胞之間的整合演變,
有一種簡單的了解. 這也亙加強了我們對於其他的發育的關係的關感:細胞只是附屬的(例如:有名的去掉植)【動】脈序;脈狀;翅脈的例子). 如果運動神經的軸索被切斷, 末端的組織就會因為和濫以維生的物質分開而開始死亡。(Gerard1950) 但不是因為退化的物質, 改變運動神經. 而是受受神經支配的 肌肉會被大量的組織物質污染. 這種肌肉的損失是因為「功能亂流」例如;脈搏的跳動(Hamburger1950) 也不是因為肌肉組織造成的 ; 肌肉無法被動的發育停止. 反而是, 非細胞間的心陳代謝作用, 其他週邊的組織和神經細胞被證明了:是自動連續性的神經而且帶來了合適的新陳代謝. 有很多的肌肉神經, 會在神經元內減少, (體細胞) 就是「色原溶解;核染質溶解;染色質溶解消失;色素溶解消失」也是代表了「官能障礙」
Perhaps the most striking evidence for the subtle but definite interdependence of peripheral structures and the central nervous system is provided by the stunted growth resulting from large cerebro-hemispheric and specifically parietal lobe lesions in the neonate human. This phenomenon was described by Macdonald Critchley (1955) and has been generally known to occur in connection with a condition called infantile hemiplegia. The stunting of the body side contralateral to the brain lesion occurs both in congenital and in acquired infantile hemiplegia and is not due to disuse, first because all tissues in the extremities involved are equally affected and second, because the arrest of growth starts at birth in the congenital cases, that is, before either the affected or the unaffected side is actively being used (Holt, 1961). These cases are even more interesting in the present context than the denervation atrohy, because here we see a relation between the highest level of the central nervous system and nonnervous structures of the periphery. Because the cells of the cerebral cortex are separated from those on the periphery by several internuncial neurons, there is an indication of a very subtle control that the higher centers of the central nervous system appear to exe3rcise upon the development of the body as a whole.
,在未滿月的)嬰兒時,會造成腦部的和顱頂骨腦的葉的器官損害。Macdonald 曾提過這種現象,而且他也想知道這種關聯:「未滿月的」嬰兒的未滿月的)嬰兒」。這種一連串的對於大腦的損害也會發生在先天的和後來得到的嬰兒的半身不遂,也不全是因為廢棄不使用的關係,而是因為末端的組織已經被感染。再者,在先天的生長案例中,還沒被感染的也會污染,這種狀況常常發生(Holt 1961)這狀況比起沒有脈落的萎縮現在的內容還有趣。因為我們看到了更高一樓的中央神經系統和其他的附近非神經的結構。因為大腦的皮質細胞是由不同的(神經細胞間之)聯絡的相連而成, 所以,更高一樓的中央神經系統是很精密的活動著,這也反映在整體的身體運作。
(b) Mechanical Relationships. In addition to the metabolic influences between nervous tissue and other tissue, morphogenesis is controlled by several other factors, some of which are indirectly related to neurophysiology. A good illustration is furnished by the mechanical forces exerted upon growing tissue, particularly bone, which stimulate cell division in certain directions. As muscles are innervated and begin to function, they exert a pull upon the boned to which they are attached and thus help shape the internal structure of this tissue.
(b) 機械學的,力學的;物理的關係
It has often been noted (and, unfortunately, frequently been emphasized out of all proportion to its true importance) that the architecture of certain organs is ideally suited to their function. An excellent example of this was provided by D’Arcy Thompson (1942) who wrote, “In all the mechanical side of anatomy nothing can be more beautiful than the construction of a vulture’s metacarpal bone. The engineer sees in it a perfect Warren’s truss, just such a one as is often used for a main rib in an aeroplane.” The fundamental schema of the shape of individual bones and the skeleton as a whole are undoubtedly the result of evolutionary processes including selection and adaptation on a phylogenetic rather than an ontogenetic scale (Hackenbroch, 1957-1962). However, the actual realization of what is only potentially present in the fertilized egg is largely dependent upon factors which are active during ontogenesis. This is vest illustrated by the development of the internal structure of bones.
(很不幸的,常很少對於其重要性有成相對應的重視,有些器官的組成就是很符合本身的功能 )是很常被注意的。D’Arcy Thompson 就提供了個很好的例子,他寫道:『在解剖學的物理現象中,謀有什麼比禿鷹的手掌的骨頭更漂亮。這位工程師把它當成「養兔場的兔子」疝帶,托帶(Warren’s truss),就像飛機的主要肋骨架構』每跟骨頭的形狀的基本形狀都不同,而且,整個身體的支架也是進化的結果,包含了動植物種類史的選擇和突變,而不是個體發生的方向(Hachkenbroch,1957-1962)。但是,真正有可能在受精卵出現的時候,適一存在個體發生的過程中。骨頭的內部結構正好說明了這一點。
In 1866, a Swiss engineer, Culmann, noted that the internal trusses in the head of a human femur, anatomically known as trabeculae, were oriented in exactly the direction of the lines of maximum internal stress. He drew a diagram of a curved rod showing the lines of stress resulting from the application of a load from above (Fig. 1.1a). The model somewhat resembled the head of a derrick which he had just designed, and it is therefore referred to as a crane’s head. It bears a striking similarity to a section of the head of the femur (Fig. 1.1c). Culmann’s idea gave rise to J. Wolff’s famous theory expressed in his monograph on The Law of Bone Transformation (1870), according to which every change in the function of a bone produces changes in its trabecular architecture and external form in conformity with mathematical, static laws. The theory has since been criticized (Küntsher, 1934, 1936), modified (Murray, 1936), and elaborated upon (Evans, 1955, 1957, 1960; Carey, 1929). However, the idea is widely accepted today that muscles, through the tonus already present on early embryonic life, exert essential forces upon the growing bone. These pressures, together with those produced by differential growth of various parts of the embryo, result in stresses and strains which are the prerequisite stimuli for proper bone formation. [end]
在1866年,一個瑞士的工程師,Columann則對於人體的股骨的街頭內部分隔帶,則會在最大的內部壓力下,精確的呈現了其線條。他劃一個灣區的桿,則顯示壓力線下壓力會造成上面所提到的作用(Fig. 1.1a)。這種模式就好像他設計的油井的鐵支架一樣,也像個鶴的頭。它可以接受股骨的接頭部份所承受的壓力(Fig. 1.1c)。Culmann的想法影響了後來的J. Wolff有名的理論,顯現在他1870《骨頭的轉變法則》專題論文中 :在製造每個骨頭的功能時都會改變他的分隔帶的狀況,而且,外部形式時複合數學、統計法則的。(Kuntscher 1934,1936), 攻擊得理論,(Murry, 1936) 修改他,(Evans, 1955, 1957,1960; Carey, 1929)則把這理論發揚光大。但是,在今天大部人接受的肌肉理論,是藉由早期的初期/胎兒生物所呈現出肌肉強直性,在成長中的骨頭運作其基本的力量。這些壓力伴隨著胚胎不同階段的成長過程,會造成壓力,及對骨頭成長不可或缺的刺激的拉緊。
l New Words: Ontogeny: 【生】個體發生;個體發生學 Independent : 相互依賴的;互助的 ontogenetically: adj of ontogeny Ex-machina : is an American creator-owned comic book series created by Brian K. Vaughan and Tony Harris, and published by DC Comics under the Wildstorm imprint. Metabolic: 新陳代謝的 Trophic營養的;有關營養的 Regeneration:再生 contiguous連續的 limb 肢;臂;腳;翼; 大樹枝,主枝; 分支;執行者,代理人 vertebrates 脊椎動物 lizard: 蜥蜴 urodele salamander (傳說中生活在火中的)火蜥蜴,火蛇;火精,火怪 larval anuran, 幼蟲的;幼體的 anuran無尾目動物(蛙、蛤蟆等等) postmetamorphic :後變態的 amputated 醫】切斷;鋸掉;截(肢) stump口】腿;義肢[P] autograft 醫】自身移植物(如皮膚等) Morphogenesis, 器官發生 appendage, 生】附屬器官,附屬肢體(如臂、腿、尾等) mitotic 生】有絲分裂的 cartilage 【解】軟骨原骨,軟骨成骨 shriveled使束手無策;使無能為力;使無用 blastema 【生】胚芽 autonomic【生】自律的 embryology 胚胎學 denervation;去掉植】【動】脈序;脈狀;翅脈atrophy醫】萎縮;發育停止;虛脫 distal 【解】末梢部的;末端的 innervated使(器官、肌肉等)受神經支配 dystrophic (家庭或工業垃圾等對水的)污染 histological 組織學的 retrograde後退的;逆行的;退化的 soma【生】體細胞 chromatolysis【生】【醫】色原溶解;核染質溶解;染色質溶解消失;色素溶解消失 dysfunction. 官能不良;官能障礙
l cerebro-hemispheric 腦部的parietal【生】腔壁的;【解】顱頂骨的;【植】子房壁的 lobe【解】(腦、 肺等的)葉 lesions機能障礙;器官損害neonate (未滿月的)嬰兒 hemiplegia半身麻痺;半身不遂contralateral congenital天生的;先天的
l nternuncial 【解】(神經細胞間之)聯絡的 furnished 給(房間)配置(傢俱等);裝備[(+with)] metacarpal【解】掌的;掌部的 Warren’s truss Aeroplane【英】飛機[C] Femur解】股骨;【昆】股節 Trabeculae【解】分隔帶
l derrick:【機】轉臂起重機 / 油井的鐵架塔embryonic 胚芽的;胎兒的 prerequisite不可缺的;事先需要的;必修
LBT004-007惠珍 updated on Jan 5’ 09 (Done)
Chapter 1, section II)
There is evidence (1) that the issues of the brain and the rest of the body constitute an organic, interdependent unit; and (2) that organisms are not programmed for their behavior by an ex-machina force, but instead they develop a program ontogenetically together with nervous and nonnervous tissues.
有證據顯示(1)「大腦的細胞組織」和「身體的其他的部分」是組成生物體這互相依賴的有機體。(2)這有機體並不是以他行為,或是「大機器」的力量(ex-machina force)來編碼的(programmed)> 而是,生物體根據神經和分神經組織而發展出「個體發生的編碼原則」。
(1) Mutual influence in the development of Nervous and Other Tissue
(1) 在神經和其他細胞相互影響的發展
Let us first consider the developmental relationship between nervous and other tissue. Our discussion can be divided into (a) metabolic or trophic relationships and (b) nonmetabolic, particularly mechanical relationhships.
讓我們把神經和其他細胞發展中玵互相影響的關係,考慮進去。我們的討論可分為2部。(a) 新陳代謝的或是營養的 (b)非新陳代謝的或是特定的物質上的關係。
(a) Trophic Relationships. Nervous tissue stands in an intimate relationship to other tissue anatomically contiguous to it. This is shown most clearly by the essential role played by nerves in the process of regeneration. There are a number of studies available which indicate that regeneration of an entire limb in lower vertebrates (fish, lizards, urodele, salamander, larval anuran, and postmetamorphic frog) and probably also in invertebrates is dependent on the presence of nerves in the amputated stump (Singer, 1959, Gutmann, 1964).
(a) 營養的關係。神經細胞和其他的很自然且連續在一起的細胞組織有很密切的關係。而這很明顯的顯示出在「再生」這過程,神經扮演了很基本的角色。有大量的文獻指出:「在低等脊椎動物上再生出一個肋骨」,無脊椎的如:(魚、蜥蜴、火蜥蜴、幼體無尾目動物、後變態的青蛙,及可能一些依賴神經存在的斷尾的部分。)
In a series of experiments by Schotté and Butler (1944), Singer (1947), and their students, and Nicholas (1949), it has been shown that an amputated limb will not regenerate unless an intact nerve is either present in the remaining stump from the beginning or is transplanted into the cut surface by autograft (however, see Thornton and Steen, 1962). Morphogenesis, that is, an orderly sequence of tissue differentiation and development of the lost appendage, will not ordinarily take place in the absence of living nervous issue during the very first stage of regeneration. If all nerves are removed form this stump during the earliest period, mitotic activity is dramatically slowed down; eventually some small amount of connective tissue, cartilage, and muscle may form in a disorderly nonfunctional fashion, giving a shriveled and shapeless appearance to the stump. If viable nervous tissue is not present from the start of the amputation but brought into the so-called blastema shortly afterward, regeneration takes place but the regenerate limb is poorly developed. The nerve need not be present throughout the entire period of regeneration; once the limb has begun to grow and tissues are sufficiently differentiated, the nerve may be removed without impariment of the morphegenetic potency acquired by these tissues during their earliest stage of formation. Singer (1974) has shown that it does not matter for regeneration what type of nerve, whether motor, sensory, or autonomic, is present in the blastema. It is merely the amount of nervous tissue present that controls the regenerative possibilities. Apparently a product of nerve-cell metabolism induces morphogenesis in the blastema.
在Scotte和 Bluter , Singer 和他們的學生及Nicholas,一系列的實驗中,顯示出:被截斷的肋骨是不會再生,除非他的神經一開始就仍然在存在的斷腿; 或是移植到自體移植皮膚表面的東西。(但,看看Thronton & Steen) 器官再生,就是細胞不同化和很多附屬器官的表層一連串的過程,在很早期的再生狀況下,缺乏活體神經組織之下,是不會發生的。如果所有的義肢、斷腿,都在早期都被移除,那麼有可絲分裂,就會大量下降活動; 甚至其他一些相關連的組織、軟骨、肌肉,都可能形成沒有規則、沒有功能的形狀、沒有用的、沒有形狀的斷腿的外觀。如果,神經細胞不是在開始截肢的時候就找到,是被帶到之後所謂的胚芽,「再生」就會開始。但是再生的肋骨市是「不完全發育」,神經不會在整個再生過程中呈現出來; 一旦,肋骨開始生長,而且組織得到足夠的養分,神經就可以從器官器官再生的部位移除,力量,是細胞在早期形成的時間得到的Singer,則證明了:任何細胞組織,對再生來說,是不相關的,不管是運動、感覺、自動的,都在胚芽中呈現。只是在細胞組織中呈現,然後控制再生的可能性,顯然地,細胞組織新陳代謝的解果會包括批牙器官再生。
These studies leave many questions about the biochemistry of embryology and growth unanswered; yet they do give us a glimpse of the complete interdependence and the natural integration of different tissues in the animal body. This impression is further strengthened if we consider some of the other trophic relationships that nerves have to peripheral tissue (for instance, the well-known fact of denervation atrophy). If the axon of a motor neuron is cut, the portion distal of the cut will die promptly, presumably because of its separation from its source of supply of vital substances (Gerard, 1950). But this is not the extent of the degenerative changes following the section of a motor nerve. The muscle innervated by the nerve will also undergo dystrophic changes with an extremely characteristic histological appearance. The loss of muscle substance is not due to a “functional” disturbance, such as the inhibition of nerve impulse transmission (Hamburger & Levi-Montalcini, 1950) nor due to disuse of the muscle; the muscle cannot be saved from atrophy by passive exercise. Indeed, the metabolic interdependence of nonnervous, peripheral tissue and nervous tissue is proven by the fact that the nerves themselves must have anatomic continuity with muscles for proper metabolic function. Severance of nerve from muscle will induce retrograde changes in the body of the neuron (the soma), known as chromatolysis, which is a sign of dysfunction.
對於生物化學胚胎學成長而言,對很多問題, 很多研究都還沒有有蒙卻的解答。但是, 這與給我們對於完全的依賴 或是再不同動物種類、細胞之間的整合演變,
有一種簡單的了解. 這也亙加強了我們對於其他的發育的關係的關感:細胞只是附屬的(例如:有名的去掉植)【動】脈序;脈狀;翅脈的例子). 如果運動神經的軸索被切斷, 末端的組織就會因為和濫以維生的物質分開而開始死亡。(Gerard1950) 但不是因為退化的物質, 改變運動神經. 而是受受神經支配的 肌肉會被大量的組織物質污染. 這種肌肉的損失是因為「功能亂流」例如;脈搏的跳動(Hamburger1950) 也不是因為肌肉組織造成的 ; 肌肉無法被動的發育停止. 反而是, 非細胞間的心陳代謝作用, 其他週邊的組織和神經細胞被證明了:是自動連續性的神經而且帶來了合適的新陳代謝. 有很多的肌肉神經, 會在神經元內減少, (體細胞) 就是「色原溶解;核染質溶解;染色質溶解消失;色素溶解消失」也是代表了「官能障礙」
Perhaps the most striking evidence for the subtle but definite interdependence of peripheral structures and the central nervous system is provided by the stunted growth resulting from large cerebro-hemispheric and specifically parietal lobe lesions in the neonate human. This phenomenon was described by Macdonald Critchley (1955) and has been generally known to occur in connection with a condition called infantile hemiplegia. The stunting of the body side contralateral to the brain lesion occurs both in congenital and in acquired infantile hemiplegia and is not due to disuse, first because all tissues in the extremities involved are equally affected and second, because the arrest of growth starts at birth in the congenital cases, that is, before either the affected or the unaffected side is actively being used (Holt, 1961). These cases are even more interesting in the present context than the denervation atrohy, because here we see a relation between the highest level of the central nervous system and nonnervous structures of the periphery. Because the cells of the cerebral cortex are separated from those on the periphery by several internuncial neurons, there is an indication of a very subtle control that the higher centers of the central nervous system appear to exe3rcise upon the development of the body as a whole.
,在未滿月的)嬰兒時,會造成腦部的和顱頂骨腦的葉的器官損害。Macdonald 曾提過這種現象,而且他也想知道這種關聯:「未滿月的」嬰兒的未滿月的)嬰兒」。這種一連串的對於大腦的損害也會發生在先天的和後來得到的嬰兒的半身不遂,也不全是因為廢棄不使用的關係,而是因為末端的組織已經被感染。再者,在先天的生長案例中,還沒被感染的也會污染,這種狀況常常發生(Holt 1961)這狀況比起沒有脈落的萎縮現在的內容還有趣。因為我們看到了更高一樓的中央神經系統和其他的附近非神經的結構。因為大腦的皮質細胞是由不同的(神經細胞間之)聯絡的相連而成, 所以,更高一樓的中央神經系統是很精密的活動著,這也反映在整體的身體運作。
(b) Mechanical Relationships. In addition to the metabolic influences between nervous tissue and other tissue, morphogenesis is controlled by several other factors, some of which are indirectly related to neurophysiology. A good illustration is furnished by the mechanical forces exerted upon growing tissue, particularly bone, which stimulate cell division in certain directions. As muscles are innervated and begin to function, they exert a pull upon the boned to which they are attached and thus help shape the internal structure of this tissue.
(b) 機械學的,力學的;物理的關係
It has often been noted (and, unfortunately, frequently been emphasized out of all proportion to its true importance) that the architecture of certain organs is ideally suited to their function. An excellent example of this was provided by D’Arcy Thompson (1942) who wrote, “In all the mechanical side of anatomy nothing can be more beautiful than the construction of a vulture’s metacarpal bone. The engineer sees in it a perfect Warren’s truss, just such a one as is often used for a main rib in an aeroplane.” The fundamental schema of the shape of individual bones and the skeleton as a whole are undoubtedly the result of evolutionary processes including selection and adaptation on a phylogenetic rather than an ontogenetic scale (Hackenbroch, 1957-1962). However, the actual realization of what is only potentially present in the fertilized egg is largely dependent upon factors which are active during ontogenesis. This is vest illustrated by the development of the internal structure of bones.
(很不幸的,常很少對於其重要性有成相對應的重視,有些器官的組成就是很符合本身的功能 )是很常被注意的。D’Arcy Thompson 就提供了個很好的例子,他寫道:『在解剖學的物理現象中,謀有什麼比禿鷹的手掌的骨頭更漂亮。這位工程師把它當成「養兔場的兔子」疝帶,托帶(Warren’s truss),就像飛機的主要肋骨架構』每跟骨頭的形狀的基本形狀都不同,而且,整個身體的支架也是進化的結果,包含了動植物種類史的選擇和突變,而不是個體發生的方向(Hachkenbroch,1957-1962)。但是,真正有可能在受精卵出現的時候,適一存在個體發生的過程中。骨頭的內部結構正好說明了這一點。
In 1866, a Swiss engineer, Culmann, noted that the internal trusses in the head of a human femur, anatomically known as trabeculae, were oriented in exactly the direction of the lines of maximum internal stress. He drew a diagram of a curved rod showing the lines of stress resulting from the application of a load from above (Fig. 1.1a). The model somewhat resembled the head of a derrick which he had just designed, and it is therefore referred to as a crane’s head. It bears a striking similarity to a section of the head of the femur (Fig. 1.1c). Culmann’s idea gave rise to J. Wolff’s famous theory expressed in his monograph on The Law of Bone Transformation (1870), according to which every change in the function of a bone produces changes in its trabecular architecture and external form in conformity with mathematical, static laws. The theory has since been criticized (Küntsher, 1934, 1936), modified (Murray, 1936), and elaborated upon (Evans, 1955, 1957, 1960; Carey, 1929). However, the idea is widely accepted today that muscles, through the tonus already present on early embryonic life, exert essential forces upon the growing bone. These pressures, together with those produced by differential growth of various parts of the embryo, result in stresses and strains which are the prerequisite stimuli for proper bone formation. [end]
在1866年,一個瑞士的工程師,Columann則對於人體的股骨的街頭內部分隔帶,則會在最大的內部壓力下,精確的呈現了其線條。他劃一個灣區的桿,則顯示壓力線下壓力會造成上面所提到的作用(Fig. 1.1a)。這種模式就好像他設計的油井的鐵支架一樣,也像個鶴的頭。它可以接受股骨的接頭部份所承受的壓力(Fig. 1.1c)。Culmann的想法影響了後來的J. Wolff有名的理論,顯現在他1870《骨頭的轉變法則》專題論文中 :在製造每個骨頭的功能時都會改變他的分隔帶的狀況,而且,外部形式時複合數學、統計法則的。(Kuntscher 1934,1936), 攻擊得理論,(Murry, 1936) 修改他,(Evans, 1955, 1957,1960; Carey, 1929)則把這理論發揚光大。但是,在今天大部人接受的肌肉理論,是藉由早期的初期/胎兒生物所呈現出肌肉強直性,在成長中的骨頭運作其基本的力量。這些壓力伴隨著胚胎不同階段的成長過程,會造成壓力,及對骨頭成長不可或缺的刺激的拉緊。
l New Words: Ontogeny: 【生】個體發生;個體發生學 Independent : 相互依賴的;互助的 ontogenetically: adj of ontogeny Ex-machina : is an American creator-owned comic book series created by Brian K. Vaughan and Tony Harris, and published by DC Comics under the Wildstorm imprint. Metabolic: 新陳代謝的 Trophic營養的;有關營養的 Regeneration:再生 contiguous連續的 limb 肢;臂;腳;翼; 大樹枝,主枝; 分支;執行者,代理人 vertebrates 脊椎動物 lizard: 蜥蜴 urodele salamander (傳說中生活在火中的)火蜥蜴,火蛇;火精,火怪 larval anuran, 幼蟲的;幼體的 anuran無尾目動物(蛙、蛤蟆等等) postmetamorphic :後變態的 amputated 醫】切斷;鋸掉;截(肢) stump口】腿;義肢[P] autograft 醫】自身移植物(如皮膚等) Morphogenesis, 器官發生 appendage, 生】附屬器官,附屬肢體(如臂、腿、尾等) mitotic 生】有絲分裂的 cartilage 【解】軟骨原骨,軟骨成骨 shriveled使束手無策;使無能為力;使無用 blastema 【生】胚芽 autonomic【生】自律的 embryology 胚胎學 denervation;去掉植】【動】脈序;脈狀;翅脈atrophy醫】萎縮;發育停止;虛脫 distal 【解】末梢部的;末端的 innervated使(器官、肌肉等)受神經支配 dystrophic (家庭或工業垃圾等對水的)污染 histological 組織學的 retrograde後退的;逆行的;退化的 soma【生】體細胞 chromatolysis【生】【醫】色原溶解;核染質溶解;染色質溶解消失;色素溶解消失 dysfunction. 官能不良;官能障礙
l cerebro-hemispheric 腦部的parietal【生】腔壁的;【解】顱頂骨的;【植】子房壁的 lobe【解】(腦、 肺等的)葉 lesions機能障礙;器官損害neonate (未滿月的)嬰兒 hemiplegia半身麻痺;半身不遂contralateral congenital天生的;先天的
l nternuncial 【解】(神經細胞間之)聯絡的 furnished 給(房間)配置(傢俱等);裝備[(+with)] metacarpal【解】掌的;掌部的 Warren’s truss Aeroplane【英】飛機[C] Femur解】股骨;【昆】股節 Trabeculae【解】分隔帶
l derrick:【機】轉臂起重機 / 油井的鐵架塔embryonic 胚芽的;胎兒的 prerequisite不可缺的;事先需要的;必修
2008年12月2日 星期二
2008年12月1日 星期一
2008年11月26日 星期三
[生物] typing LB 95~96惠珍 Typing / Done
LB095-097惠珍 done on Jan 5’09
The order of corrected neuronal events may yet be different from the three orders discussed so far, although we are entering a realm in which we are almost entirely reduced t speculation. The reason for suspecting a neuronal firing order that is different from the order of motor events is the anatomy of the peripheral nerves that innervate the respective muscle. Figure 3.8 shows diagrammatically the course of some of the nerves that are relevant to this discussion. There is considerable differences in the length of these nerves; notice especially the circuitous course of the recurrent nerve which is more than three times conduction time of impulses does not merely depend upon the distance of peripheral nerve that must be traversed but also upon the diameter of the nerve fibers (the smaller the fiber. the slower the condition). It is possible to measure the average length of the peripheral nerves and also to make microscopic studies of cross sections of these nerves and to measure the size of the diameters of fibers. This has been done (Auriti,1954; Krmpotic, 1958 and 1959), and it has been found that nerves involved in speech muscle innervation vary considerably in their composition of a nerve in terms of a caliber spectrum (a statistical frequency distribution of diameter sizes). Table 3.4 shows a few figures taken from the work of Krmpotic, indicating that there is always some overlap in the distributions but that there are nevertheless, marked differences among the various nerves. It is interesting that the the longest nerve, the recurrent, has statically the smallest fibers which thus aggravates the timing problem, introducing delays from two independent factors.
Kirmpotic, who has been specially interested in the problem of differential innervation time, has computed so-called neuromuscular indexes for all major muscles involved in speech. These indexes are simply the ratio of the average length of the nerve to the mean size of fiber diameter. Since there is still some uncertainty about the physiological interpretation of these determinations, we need not be concerned here with the details. Suffice it ti say that the anatomy of the nerves suggests that innervation time for intrinsic laryngeal muscles may easily be up to 30 msec longer than innervation time for muscles in and around the oral cavity.
Considering now that some articulatory events may last as short a period as 20 msec, it becomes a reasonable assumption that the firing order in the brain stem may at times be different from the order of events occurring at the periphery.
A concrete example will clarify the point. Let us take the words obtain and optimal. If we make spectrograms of these words and measure and durations of the first three phones, we get values such as these:
Duration of Duration of
First vowel the labial stop the aspiration
Obtain 90 msec 170 msec 50 msec
Optimal 110 msec 160 msec 20 msec
Among the acoustic cues for the discussion of certain voiced and unvoiced stops are the duration of the preceding vowel and the duration of the silence during which the lips are closed. Our perceptual acuity is highly sensitized to these temoral factores and , by the same token, our motor coordination is precise enough to times articulation with sufficient presision to bring about these distinctions. In the previous example the duration of the first vowel differs by only 20 msec and that of the labial stops by only 10 msec, and in the second instant, the duration of the aspiration (the only part of the /t/ we hear)lasts only 20 msec. Recent investigation carried out at the Haskins Laboratories have shown that a great variety of phonetic distinctions are entirely dependent upon timing factors of onset, duration, and cessation of voice where magnitudes well below 20 msec are od the essence. (See also the time relationships in the data reported on by Liberman, Delattre, Cooper, 1952; Schatz, 1954; and Liberman, Delatrre, Gerstman, and Cooper, 1956)
It is clear that there must be considerable precision in timing if laryngeal mechanisms are to integrated with oral ones. IN addition, there are hundreds of muscular adjustments to be made every second (that is a new neuromuscular event every few milliseconds) from which we begin to see the magnitude of the timing-ordering problem.
In view of the above we are hardly surprised that we may encounter patients with lesions in the central nervous system who have difficulty in keeping elements of speech and language in the right order. An important theoretical discussion on this subject was contributed by Jakobson and Halle(1956). Patients who have this problem speak very slowly and indicate to the examiner that speaking constitutes a great effort of concentration: the behave as if they had to “think of the right order.” Even so, they will constantly mix up individual sounds; is may become si, task may become taks, syllable may become syballel and they are very hard to understand.*Generally, they tend to anticipate sounds that should come at a later time. The difficulty may occur in every other word, since their rate of production is markedly slow down. The improper anticipation of sounds is usually nit the patient’s only problem of ordering. He will also show a pathological propensity for spoonerism, entire words and phrase s being switched around or produced in advance. The patient’s intention is frequently made known to the examiner because the patient is fully aware if his difficulty and can often make a fresh start and repeat the intended sentence once more and correctly . Ina sever cases the corrected sentence will show new mistakes.
The order of corrected neuronal events may yet be different from the three orders discussed so far, although we are entering a realm in which we are almost entirely reduced t speculation. The reason for suspecting a neuronal firing order that is different from the order of motor events is the anatomy of the peripheral nerves that innervate the respective muscle. Figure 3.8 shows diagrammatically the course of some of the nerves that are relevant to this discussion. There is considerable differences in the length of these nerves; notice especially the circuitous course of the recurrent nerve which is more than three times conduction time of impulses does not merely depend upon the distance of peripheral nerve that must be traversed but also upon the diameter of the nerve fibers (the smaller the fiber. the slower the condition). It is possible to measure the average length of the peripheral nerves and also to make microscopic studies of cross sections of these nerves and to measure the size of the diameters of fibers. This has been done (Auriti,1954; Krmpotic, 1958 and 1959), and it has been found that nerves involved in speech muscle innervation vary considerably in their composition of a nerve in terms of a caliber spectrum (a statistical frequency distribution of diameter sizes). Table 3.4 shows a few figures taken from the work of Krmpotic, indicating that there is always some overlap in the distributions but that there are nevertheless, marked differences among the various nerves. It is interesting that the the longest nerve, the recurrent, has statically the smallest fibers which thus aggravates the timing problem, introducing delays from two independent factors.
Kirmpotic, who has been specially interested in the problem of differential innervation time, has computed so-called neuromuscular indexes for all major muscles involved in speech. These indexes are simply the ratio of the average length of the nerve to the mean size of fiber diameter. Since there is still some uncertainty about the physiological interpretation of these determinations, we need not be concerned here with the details. Suffice it ti say that the anatomy of the nerves suggests that innervation time for intrinsic laryngeal muscles may easily be up to 30 msec longer than innervation time for muscles in and around the oral cavity.
Considering now that some articulatory events may last as short a period as 20 msec, it becomes a reasonable assumption that the firing order in the brain stem may at times be different from the order of events occurring at the periphery.
A concrete example will clarify the point. Let us take the words obtain and optimal. If we make spectrograms of these words and measure and durations of the first three phones, we get values such as these:
Duration of Duration of
First vowel the labial stop the aspiration
Obtain 90 msec 170 msec 50 msec
Optimal 110 msec 160 msec 20 msec
Among the acoustic cues for the discussion of certain voiced and unvoiced stops are the duration of the preceding vowel and the duration of the silence during which the lips are closed. Our perceptual acuity is highly sensitized to these temoral factores and , by the same token, our motor coordination is precise enough to times articulation with sufficient presision to bring about these distinctions. In the previous example the duration of the first vowel differs by only 20 msec and that of the labial stops by only 10 msec, and in the second instant, the duration of the aspiration (the only part of the /t/ we hear)lasts only 20 msec. Recent investigation carried out at the Haskins Laboratories have shown that a great variety of phonetic distinctions are entirely dependent upon timing factors of onset, duration, and cessation of voice where magnitudes well below 20 msec are od the essence. (See also the time relationships in the data reported on by Liberman, Delattre, Cooper, 1952; Schatz, 1954; and Liberman, Delatrre, Gerstman, and Cooper, 1956)
It is clear that there must be considerable precision in timing if laryngeal mechanisms are to integrated with oral ones. IN addition, there are hundreds of muscular adjustments to be made every second (that is a new neuromuscular event every few milliseconds) from which we begin to see the magnitude of the timing-ordering problem.
In view of the above we are hardly surprised that we may encounter patients with lesions in the central nervous system who have difficulty in keeping elements of speech and language in the right order. An important theoretical discussion on this subject was contributed by Jakobson and Halle(1956). Patients who have this problem speak very slowly and indicate to the examiner that speaking constitutes a great effort of concentration: the behave as if they had to “think of the right order.” Even so, they will constantly mix up individual sounds; is may become si, task may become taks, syllable may become syballel and they are very hard to understand.*Generally, they tend to anticipate sounds that should come at a later time. The difficulty may occur in every other word, since their rate of production is markedly slow down. The improper anticipation of sounds is usually nit the patient’s only problem of ordering. He will also show a pathological propensity for spoonerism, entire words and phrase s being switched around or produced in advance. The patient’s intention is frequently made known to the examiner because the patient is fully aware if his difficulty and can often make a fresh start and repeat the intended sentence once more and correctly . Ina sever cases the corrected sentence will show new mistakes.
2008年11月20日 星期四
2008年11月12日 星期三
[生物] translation LBT378惠珍
LBT378惠珍 updated on Dec 08
《Biological Foundations of Language》Ch9: Toward a biological of language development
Assigned reading: Page 378
1. Typing
(11) The raw material from which the individual synthesizes building blocks for his own language development cannot be the cause of the developing structure as evidenced by the autochthonous beginnings in the infant’s language acquisition. Primitive stages of language are simply too different from adult language to be regarded as a direct mirroring of the input. Nor is there any evidence that the adults surrounding the child are the causative or shaping agents that determine language onset or his course of development ( see discussion of need as explanation in Chapter Four and of language teaching in Chapter Seven). Purposiveness cannot, logically, be the mainspring for language development.
Page 377~略
(12) Social settings may be required as a trigger that sets off a reaction. Perhaps a better metaphor still is the concept of resonance. In a given state of maturation, exposure to adult language behavior has an excitatory effect upon the actualization process much the way a certain frequency begins to vibrate in the presence of the sound. In the case of language onset, the energy required for the resonance is, in a sense, supplied by the individual himself; if the trigger-analogy is preferred, we might say that he unwinds himself. The resonance analogy, on the other hand, illustrates more vividly how slight variations in the frequencies that impinge on the resonator affect the quality or nature of the resonance; it is comparable to the child’s hearing of French resulting in his speaking of French, each natural language being a sleeted frequency band from the limited possible frequency range that is capable of eliciting resonance. Once the critical period during which resonance may occur is outgrown, one language is firmly established, and exposure to new and different natural language is no longer resonated to.
社會環境也许需要一種引信(觸發器)來引起反應。 或許,共鳴,仍然是一個比較好的引信的比喻。在實體化的過程中,在任何一個特定的成熟性狀態下,對於暴露在成人言语行为之中,仍是有一定的刺激、引發的作用在。其發生的頻率,就像,對於一些特別的共鳴器而言,在實體化的過程中,有些引發的作用。這種共鳴器,就是一種在聲音出現時,開始振動。
Thus the propagation and maintenance of language behavior in the species are not comparable to cultural tradition which is handed down from generation to generation to generation. The individual does not serve as a passive vehicle or channel through which information is transmitted; instead, he is am autonomous unit constituted in very much the same way as other units around him, ready to behave in the same fashion as they do. His behavior is activated by social contact, and there is some superficial adaptation to the structure of their behavior, but it may be well to remember that he can only function if he can synthesize (recreate might be another word) the entire language mechanism out of the raw material available to him. The raw material is of no use unless it can be broken down as food proteins are broken down into amino-acids and build up again into the pattern of his in-dwelling latent structure. Thus, the individual is seen as functioning by virtue of his own power supply, so to speak; he constructs language by himself (provided ha has the raw material to do with it), and the natural history of his development provides for mechanism by which he will harmonize his function with that if other equally autonomously functioning individuals around him; the outer form of his language will have the outer form of the language of his native community.
在語言開始的時候,就某個程度來說,是每個獨立的個體來提供所需的要震動的能量 ; 如果是採用『共振類比的』方式,我們就可以說:其實是這個個體『解開』這『引信』(能量)。從另一個角度來說,『共振類比』可以很明顯的顯示出:各種打在震動器的不同頻率,非常細微的震動,這種細微的震動,有可能會影響其震動器的品質,或是震動器本身。這種方式,也可用來解釋法國小孩的聽力影響說話的例子。每一種自然語言,都有一種可選擇的、有限的頻率,即『頻率波段』,在這個波段範圍內,就可以『引起』共振。但,曾經有段時間,是共振『過大的』,特別是結構很完整的語言,或是對於『沒有震動反應的』新奇而又不同的自然語言。所以,在各物種之間,語言行為的傳播和維護,是和世代相傳的文化不相容的。 人類並不是『被動的』資訊傳播的器具或是頻道; 反而是,獨立自主的單位,其組成的方式,就像其他身邊的『單位』一樣,會在同一種『流行趨勢』之下。社會接觸影響著人類的行為,也有一些對於人類行為結構的『人為改變』,也許比較好的解說方式是:人類如可能從身邊緣使的材料中,『合成出』整個語言機制:即『重新創造出其他的字』。除非,這些『原始的材料』像蛋白質一樣能夠被分解成氨基酸,而且能再重新組成『潛在的生活樣子』,不然的話,這些原始的材料,是沒用的!所以,看來是可以這麼說:人類是依他自己的力量來運作語言,即:『自己建構語言』(假使有原始的材料提供給他的話)。人類語言的歷史發展,也提供了人類對於環境,自然運作的結果:人類的『外部語言形式』,對於本身的社群來說,是會造成其他的『外部形式』語言。
(13) Even though biological constitution of the individual is a essential replica of its progenitors, there are , naturally, individual variations. In fact, there are two distinct levels that are relevant to language: in the formation of the latent structure and in the actualization process from latent to realized structure. The former may be due to variations in the maturational coursed; the latter is primary due to variations in peripheral function and structure such as the vocal tract or the ears. Variations on these two levels explain the main facts about language constancies, language change, and language universals.
雖然,很自然的,人類的生物組成形式,有其基本複製先前祖先的能力, 意即:人類獨立無二的變化。
2. Definition:
Actualization: 實施Resonator:共鳴器,共鳴體,共振器Excitatory:刺激的;興奮的Resonance:共振Un-wind:打開Impinge: 打、撞Band: (無線電的)波段,頻帶Out-grow: 長得比...快(或大、高)Propagation: 增殖,繁殖,廣傳Autonomous: 獨立
amino-acids: 氨基; 氨基的+酸
In-dwelling latent: Dwelling:生活的Latent:潛伏性的,隱藏的隱約的指印Progenitor: 祖先,先輩,原著
Replica: 複製品
社會環境也许需要一種引信(觸發器)來引起反應。 或許,共鳴,仍然是一個比較好的引信的比喻。在實體化的過程中,在任何一個特定的成熟性狀態下,對於暴露在成人言语行为之中,仍是有一定的刺激、引發的作用在。其發生的頻率,就像,對於一些特別的共鳴器而言,在實體化的過程中,有些引發的作用。這種共鳴器,就是一種在聲音出現時,開始振動。
在語言開始的時候,就某個程度來說,是每個獨立的個體來提供所需的要震動的能量 ; 如果是採用『共振類比的』方式,我們就可以說:其實是這個個體『解開』這『引信』(能量)。從另一個角度來說,『共振類比』可以很明顯的顯示出:各種打在震動器的不同頻率,非常細微的震動,這種細微的震動,有可能會影響其震動器的品質,或是震動器本身。這種方式,也可用來解釋法國小孩的聽力影響說話的例子。每一種自然語言,都有一種可選擇的、有限的頻率,即『頻率波段』,在這個波段範圍內,就可以『引起』共振。但,曾經有段時間,是共振『過大的』,特別是結構很完整的語言,或是對於『沒有震動反應的』新奇而又不同的自然語言。
所以,在各物種之間, 語言行為的傳播和維護,是和世代相傳的文化不相容的。 人類並不是『被動的』資訊傳播的器具或是頻道; 反而是,獨立自主的單位,其組成的方式,就像其他身邊的『單位』一樣,會在同一種『流行趨勢』之下。 社會接觸影響著人類的行為,也有一些對於人類行為結構的『人為改變』,也許比較好的解說方式是:人類如可能從身邊緣使的材料中,『合成出』整個語言機制:即『重新創造出其他的字』。除非,這些『原始的材料』像蛋白質一樣能夠被分解成氨基酸,而且能再重新組成『潛在的生活樣子』,不然的話,這些原始的材料,是沒用的!所以,看來是可以這麼說:人類是依他自己的力量來運作語言,即:『自己建構語言』(假使有原始的材料提供給他的話)。人類語言的歷史發展,也提供了人類對於環境,自然運作的結果:人類的『外部語言形式』,對於本身的社群來說,是會造成其他的『外部形式』語言。
雖然,很自然的,人類的生物組成形式,有其基本複製先前祖先的能力, 意即:人類獨立無二的變化。
4. Related links
Biological Naturalism
物理 wiki
《女科學家群像 系列》葉乃裳 揚名國際物理界
《Biological Foundations of Language》Ch9: Toward a biological of language development
Assigned reading: Page 378
1. Typing
(11) The raw material from which the individual synthesizes building blocks for his own language development cannot be the cause of the developing structure as evidenced by the autochthonous beginnings in the infant’s language acquisition. Primitive stages of language are simply too different from adult language to be regarded as a direct mirroring of the input. Nor is there any evidence that the adults surrounding the child are the causative or shaping agents that determine language onset or his course of development ( see discussion of need as explanation in Chapter Four and of language teaching in Chapter Seven). Purposiveness cannot, logically, be the mainspring for language development.
Page 377~略
(12) Social settings may be required as a trigger that sets off a reaction. Perhaps a better metaphor still is the concept of resonance. In a given state of maturation, exposure to adult language behavior has an excitatory effect upon the actualization process much the way a certain frequency begins to vibrate in the presence of the sound. In the case of language onset, the energy required for the resonance is, in a sense, supplied by the individual himself; if the trigger-analogy is preferred, we might say that he unwinds himself. The resonance analogy, on the other hand, illustrates more vividly how slight variations in the frequencies that impinge on the resonator affect the quality or nature of the resonance; it is comparable to the child’s hearing of French resulting in his speaking of French, each natural language being a sleeted frequency band from the limited possible frequency range that is capable of eliciting resonance. Once the critical period during which resonance may occur is outgrown, one language is firmly established, and exposure to new and different natural language is no longer resonated to.
社會環境也许需要一種引信(觸發器)來引起反應。 或許,共鳴,仍然是一個比較好的引信的比喻。在實體化的過程中,在任何一個特定的成熟性狀態下,對於暴露在成人言语行为之中,仍是有一定的刺激、引發的作用在。其發生的頻率,就像,對於一些特別的共鳴器而言,在實體化的過程中,有些引發的作用。這種共鳴器,就是一種在聲音出現時,開始振動。
Thus the propagation and maintenance of language behavior in the species are not comparable to cultural tradition which is handed down from generation to generation to generation. The individual does not serve as a passive vehicle or channel through which information is transmitted; instead, he is am autonomous unit constituted in very much the same way as other units around him, ready to behave in the same fashion as they do. His behavior is activated by social contact, and there is some superficial adaptation to the structure of their behavior, but it may be well to remember that he can only function if he can synthesize (recreate might be another word) the entire language mechanism out of the raw material available to him. The raw material is of no use unless it can be broken down as food proteins are broken down into amino-acids and build up again into the pattern of his in-dwelling latent structure. Thus, the individual is seen as functioning by virtue of his own power supply, so to speak; he constructs language by himself (provided ha has the raw material to do with it), and the natural history of his development provides for mechanism by which he will harmonize his function with that if other equally autonomously functioning individuals around him; the outer form of his language will have the outer form of the language of his native community.
在語言開始的時候,就某個程度來說,是每個獨立的個體來提供所需的要震動的能量 ; 如果是採用『共振類比的』方式,我們就可以說:其實是這個個體『解開』這『引信』(能量)。從另一個角度來說,『共振類比』可以很明顯的顯示出:各種打在震動器的不同頻率,非常細微的震動,這種細微的震動,有可能會影響其震動器的品質,或是震動器本身。這種方式,也可用來解釋法國小孩的聽力影響說話的例子。每一種自然語言,都有一種可選擇的、有限的頻率,即『頻率波段』,在這個波段範圍內,就可以『引起』共振。但,曾經有段時間,是共振『過大的』,特別是結構很完整的語言,或是對於『沒有震動反應的』新奇而又不同的自然語言。所以,在各物種之間,語言行為的傳播和維護,是和世代相傳的文化不相容的。 人類並不是『被動的』資訊傳播的器具或是頻道; 反而是,獨立自主的單位,其組成的方式,就像其他身邊的『單位』一樣,會在同一種『流行趨勢』之下。社會接觸影響著人類的行為,也有一些對於人類行為結構的『人為改變』,也許比較好的解說方式是:人類如可能從身邊緣使的材料中,『合成出』整個語言機制:即『重新創造出其他的字』。除非,這些『原始的材料』像蛋白質一樣能夠被分解成氨基酸,而且能再重新組成『潛在的生活樣子』,不然的話,這些原始的材料,是沒用的!所以,看來是可以這麼說:人類是依他自己的力量來運作語言,即:『自己建構語言』(假使有原始的材料提供給他的話)。人類語言的歷史發展,也提供了人類對於環境,自然運作的結果:人類的『外部語言形式』,對於本身的社群來說,是會造成其他的『外部形式』語言。
(13) Even though biological constitution of the individual is a essential replica of its progenitors, there are , naturally, individual variations. In fact, there are two distinct levels that are relevant to language: in the formation of the latent structure and in the actualization process from latent to realized structure. The former may be due to variations in the maturational coursed; the latter is primary due to variations in peripheral function and structure such as the vocal tract or the ears. Variations on these two levels explain the main facts about language constancies, language change, and language universals.
雖然,很自然的,人類的生物組成形式,有其基本複製先前祖先的能力, 意即:人類獨立無二的變化。
2. Definition:
Actualization: 實施Resonator:共鳴器,共鳴體,共振器Excitatory:刺激的;興奮的Resonance:共振Un-wind:打開Impinge: 打、撞Band: (無線電的)波段,頻帶Out-grow: 長得比...快(或大、高)Propagation: 增殖,繁殖,廣傳Autonomous: 獨立
amino-acids: 氨基; 氨基的+酸
In-dwelling latent: Dwelling:生活的Latent:潛伏性的,隱藏的隱約的指印Progenitor: 祖先,先輩,原著
Replica: 複製品
社會環境也许需要一種引信(觸發器)來引起反應。 或許,共鳴,仍然是一個比較好的引信的比喻。在實體化的過程中,在任何一個特定的成熟性狀態下,對於暴露在成人言语行为之中,仍是有一定的刺激、引發的作用在。其發生的頻率,就像,對於一些特別的共鳴器而言,在實體化的過程中,有些引發的作用。這種共鳴器,就是一種在聲音出現時,開始振動。
在語言開始的時候,就某個程度來說,是每個獨立的個體來提供所需的要震動的能量 ; 如果是採用『共振類比的』方式,我們就可以說:其實是這個個體『解開』這『引信』(能量)。從另一個角度來說,『共振類比』可以很明顯的顯示出:各種打在震動器的不同頻率,非常細微的震動,這種細微的震動,有可能會影響其震動器的品質,或是震動器本身。這種方式,也可用來解釋法國小孩的聽力影響說話的例子。每一種自然語言,都有一種可選擇的、有限的頻率,即『頻率波段』,在這個波段範圍內,就可以『引起』共振。但,曾經有段時間,是共振『過大的』,特別是結構很完整的語言,或是對於『沒有震動反應的』新奇而又不同的自然語言。
所以,在各物種之間, 語言行為的傳播和維護,是和世代相傳的文化不相容的。 人類並不是『被動的』資訊傳播的器具或是頻道; 反而是,獨立自主的單位,其組成的方式,就像其他身邊的『單位』一樣,會在同一種『流行趨勢』之下。 社會接觸影響著人類的行為,也有一些對於人類行為結構的『人為改變』,也許比較好的解說方式是:人類如可能從身邊緣使的材料中,『合成出』整個語言機制:即『重新創造出其他的字』。除非,這些『原始的材料』像蛋白質一樣能夠被分解成氨基酸,而且能再重新組成『潛在的生活樣子』,不然的話,這些原始的材料,是沒用的!所以,看來是可以這麼說:人類是依他自己的力量來運作語言,即:『自己建構語言』(假使有原始的材料提供給他的話)。人類語言的歷史發展,也提供了人類對於環境,自然運作的結果:人類的『外部語言形式』,對於本身的社群來說,是會造成其他的『外部形式』語言。
雖然,很自然的,人類的生物組成形式,有其基本複製先前祖先的能力, 意即:人類獨立無二的變化。
4. Related links
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[生物] translation LBT449~450惠珍
LBT449~450惠珍 updated on Dec 08
《Biological Foundations of Language》Preface: The history of the biological language
Assigned reading: Page 449-450
1. Typing
A very serious shortcoming of most Roman writers on language was the limitation of their discussions to Latin and Greek, which Steinthal regarded as the chief factor for their failure to formulate a more general language theory. In the writings of Gaius Plinius Secundus (23-79 A.D.) and of Strabo (63 B.C.-24 A.D.) only Greek and Latin are given serious consideration. One of the few to include other languages as well was the Epicurean Diogenes of Oinoanda (2nd century A.D.) who wrote that men created language everywhere quite naturally; it was not a conscious invention or the result of convention. No single man or god could have created it [24].
Epicurean 認為:在任何地方,很自然的,人類都可以創造語言出來,這不是有意識的創作,也不是『社會規範下的』產物,沒有任何人或是神可以創造語言。
The church fathers and Christian thinkers of the first centuries of our era, intent on defining man’s relationship to God, were content to establish God’s rule over language, and language differences were not of primary concern to them.[25] These differences were to become a problem, once church had begun to spread among people with different languages. The study of languages and language theory would receive new impetus whenever a country was to be Christianized.
In the succeeding 1500 years the interpretation of language in terms of revelation and biblical exegesis stood in the foreground of language theory. The natural basis of language was never completely lost to view, and some of the most important theologians included it in their discussion.
The greater thinker of the fourth century, St. Augustine (394-430), placed the origin of language in man’s reason, as had the stoics, and compared the evolution of language with language development in children.[26]. Boethius (480-525), a Roman statesman and philosopher, who translated Aristotle into Latin, emphasized the difference between language and thought. Articulated language is different everywhere, but tears, mourning, and emotional expression are universally understood. The North African, Fabius Caludius Gordianus Fulgentius (480-550)wrote a world history, in which he expressed the belief that language did not come from God, but had grown from “wild root”. For the Bishop Isidor of Sevilla (565-636) language was an inseparable characteristics of a people; he believed everyone learned the language of his race without any apparent effort.[27]
4世紀偉大的思想家聖.奧斯丁(354-430),從人類理性來看『語言的起源』,就像禁慾主義者(或斯多葛學派哲學家),他把『語言和兒童語言發展』拿來比較。羅馬政治家及哲學家Boothis:他曾把亞理斯多德翻成拉丁文,他則強調『語言與思想』的不同,在任何地方『發音清晰的、可成為系統的語言』和『口語』是不同的。但是,大家都知道什麼是『淚水、悲傷』等情感的表達。 北非的Fabius Caludius,則寫了部世界史,其中,他認為『語言不是從上帝而來的』; 而是從『野外生出來的』。Isidor of Sevilla 主教,則認為:語言是『跟人們不可分離的』,『語言是各個種族都可以輕而易舉得到的』。
After an interval of four centuries in which men were absorbed by the problems of the political intergration of Europe, the interest in the problem in language was revived with the rise of Schola. Its founder, Anselm of Canterbury (1033-1109), wrote on language in the years after 1060. Language only approximates reality and is not identical with God’s creation. IT may, therefore, be subjected to analytic study and psychological interpretation. This attitude toward language is also seen in the writings of his student Peter Abelard (1079-1142) who was the most influential language photosphere of his time. He wrote in his “Logia” (ca 1113-1123) that different designation of the same thing- by different languages- did not imply different meanings; men had only assigned a variety of sounds to the same thing. What people meant was everywhere the same, because meaning was a part of nature. Language was not God’s creation; the man of reason is master of his language and never ruled by it, Latin does not provide the basis or limit of human reason; like all knowledge it can be subject to improvement.[28]
在四個世紀的整合後,在歐洲,人們吸收了各種政治上整合的問題,因為Schola的盛行,引起了人們對語言的興趣。Anselm of Centebuary是Schola的創始人,在1060年,寫了這個作品:語言只是「極度的寫實」,而不是「上帝所創造的」,也因此,語言是屬於:「分析性的研究」及「心裡學上的詮釋」。這種對語言的態度,也有在他的學生Peter 的作品中看到, Peter是當代最有影響力的哲學家,以不同的語言來說,他的作品「Logia」,跟其他的作品,有著不一樣的「名稱」,即:不只有不同的意義,對於相同的物件,人們也有賦予各種不同聲音去說明(命名)的能力。各種人類的語言(名稱)都是一樣的,因為「意義」是大自然的一部份。即:語言,不是上帝創造的,是人們理性的主宰,而永不會被上帝控制。 就算拉丁文,也沒提供人類理性的基本架構或是限制,拉丁文,就像其他語言知識一樣,是會改進的。
A few Medieval writers placed even greater emphasis on the emphasis on the natural aspect pf language. Petrus Heliae, who taught grammar in Paris after 1140, suggested that there are ,ore systems of grammar as yet unknown and that all languages including the dialects can be systematically described and rationally understood [29]. A contemporary anonymous opusculum of he Bernardine Monastery of Ceteaux expressed the thought that language is the product of a natural law and attempted to substantiate this claim by the law of primacy for the letter a in all languages known [30]. But the most theories did not go that far. Abelard’s student John of Salisbury (ca 1115-1180), wrote in his “Metalogicon’ of 1160 that man received his reason and his ability to speak from the “natura clementissima parens ominum,’ but that names must have been invented by man. ( Language was given again being considered primarily in terms of names) [31]. This separation between a recognized natural language capacity and ,an-made language was maintained by most medieval authors including Petrus Hispanus (ca 1220-1227) who later became Pope John ⅩⅩⅠ, John de Dacia professor at Paris in 1280 and Thomas Aquians (1225-1274). Roger Bacon (ca 1214-1294) was to write in 1292 that differences between languages were based on physiological and climatic factors but proposed that language was the result of willful human invention [32].
一些中世紀的作家很重視「語言的自然面」, 在1140年後,在巴黎教文法的Petrus Khaliae,認為:還是有很多的「未知的文法系統」,即:語言中,包含各種的方言,能可以被「有系統的描述」,而且,「可以理性的去理解它(方言、語言)。」 同時,Bernadine Monstery of Ceteaux 的小品則認為:「語言是自然世界法則的產物」,他更進一步把這種『天主教中的大主教的偉大法則:認為所有的語言,都該知道「a」這個字母』的想法,具體化。但,大部分的理論都沒有做到這點。 Abelard的學生John of Salisbury,在1160年寫了「Metalogicon」,作品中認為:人們擁有理性,而且可以運用語言的能力。但是,「名稱」,還是由人們創造出來的。(再一次,語言被認為是:還是主要以「名稱」為主)。中世紀的作家,包含Petrus Hispanus, Thomas Aquinas,則可以區別「自然語言的認知能力」和「人類創造的語言」。Petrus Hispanus, 後來變成教宗約翰11世,是在1280年巴黎。而Roger Bacon培根,則在1292年指出:他從「生物學及氣候方面」,來切入語言,他仍認為『語言是人類自由創造出來的』。
According to Ricobald of Ferrara, the separation of language capacity and languages was supported by a miracle he observed in 1293. A deaf-mute acquired hearing and speech after praying at the grave of St. Anthony Padua; he could repeat what was said to him but did not understand the meaning of the words. This proved that the miracle could only establish the God-given physiological language ability but not the knowledge of a particular language which had to be learned [33].
在1293年,根據Richard of Ferrara 的觀察到的「奇蹟」:他支持:把「語言能力」和「語言本身」分開的說法‧在聖安東尼Padua的墓前禱告後,那些有聽力障礙的人,在學習「聽力和語言能力時」,他們就可以「重複」所聽到的東西,但是,他們並不瞭解「字的意義」‧這也證明了「只有上帝給的心理語言學能力」才能建立起這樣的奇蹟‧但是, 跟「特別語言的知識」是不相關的‧
Observes believed that there must a natural language, the direct expression of untutored language ability. Emperor Frederic Ⅱ (1192/3-1250) was seeking this natural language when he repeated Psametichos’ experiment which failed because the children died. William of Shyreswood (died 1267), an Englishman professor at the University of Paris, included the “signs of the sick” and “ natural sounds” in his definition of man’s language. The Dominican and later Archbishop of Caneterbury, Robert Kilwardby )died 1279) proclaimed that grammar should establish rules for language in general. The characteristics of any one language were as irrelevant to a science of grammar as the, material of the measuring rod or the physical characteristics of objects were to geometry [34]. The natural origin and basic similarity of all languages was also emphasized by a contemporary anonymous tractate, “ De modis significandi” and by Thomas of Erfurth at the end of the thirteenth centenary [35].
其他人相信一定有「能直接表達出來的「不受教導的」,而獲得語言能力的「自然語言」」‧Emperor Frederic二世,就在他做的Psammeticho實驗時,希望能證明,這種「自然語言」的存在‧只可惜,這實驗因為小孩子死了,而失敗‧英國人同時也是巴黎的教授,William of Shyreswood,則對他自己對「人類語言」的看法,總結道:語言,是「疾病的跡象」和「自然語言」‧多明尼加人以及Archbishop OF Canterbury, Robert Kilwardby,則認為:「在共同的語言上,必須建立有規則的文法」,這種「任何語言都有的特質性」和「文法的科學性」是不相關的‧ 「科學性」就是把語言認為是「可衡量的」物質,或是向幾何學裡的「物體的物理性」‧當代的不知名小冊子、論文,也強調這種語言的起源,和共同語言間的相似性,就像在Thomas Of Erfurth在13世紀末所寫的「De modis significandi”」
[24] Borst, A., Pp. 164, 178.
[25] ___. Pp. 237,356.
[26] ___. Pp. 392.
[27] ___. Pp. 424,426,450.
[28] ___. Pp..450,605,606,632,635
[29] ___. Pp.636-7
[30] ___. Pp.638
[31] ___. Pp..640
[32] ___. Pp..797-800,810 et seq., 901-902
[33] ___. P.864
[34] ___. Pp..756,796,799
[35] ___. Pp..798,895
2. Definition
exegesis: 釋;註釋
statesman: 政治家
designation: 指定;任命
opusculum: 小品;音樂小品;文學小品
Monastery: 男子的)修道院;僧院[C]
Stoic: 禁慾主義者; S-)斯多葛學派哲學家
Articulate: 1. 使成為系統的整體;使相互連貫 ; 2. 發音清晰的,可聽懂的
Interval: 戲劇,音樂會等的)幕間,休息時間
Schola: 1) An intermission of work, leisure for learning, learned conversation, debate, disputation, lecture, dissertation. 2) A meeting place for teachers and pupils, place for instruction, place of learning, school. 3)The disciples of a teacher, body of followers, school, sect. (--Elementary Latin Dictionary, OUP
Approximated reality: This painting approximates reality. ->这幅画逼真
Designation: 命名;稱號
Substantiate: 使實體化
Metalogicon : The Metalogicon of John of Salisbury: A Twelfth-Century Defense of the Verbal and Logical Arts of the Trivium
Physiological 生理的,生理上正常的
Tractate: 論文;小冊子,短文
See the upper part
《Biological Foundations of Language》Preface: The history of the biological language
Assigned reading: Page 449-450
1. Typing
A very serious shortcoming of most Roman writers on language was the limitation of their discussions to Latin and Greek, which Steinthal regarded as the chief factor for their failure to formulate a more general language theory. In the writings of Gaius Plinius Secundus (23-79 A.D.) and of Strabo (63 B.C.-24 A.D.) only Greek and Latin are given serious consideration. One of the few to include other languages as well was the Epicurean Diogenes of Oinoanda (2nd century A.D.) who wrote that men created language everywhere quite naturally; it was not a conscious invention or the result of convention. No single man or god could have created it [24].
Epicurean 認為:在任何地方,很自然的,人類都可以創造語言出來,這不是有意識的創作,也不是『社會規範下的』產物,沒有任何人或是神可以創造語言。
The church fathers and Christian thinkers of the first centuries of our era, intent on defining man’s relationship to God, were content to establish God’s rule over language, and language differences were not of primary concern to them.[25] These differences were to become a problem, once church had begun to spread among people with different languages. The study of languages and language theory would receive new impetus whenever a country was to be Christianized.
In the succeeding 1500 years the interpretation of language in terms of revelation and biblical exegesis stood in the foreground of language theory. The natural basis of language was never completely lost to view, and some of the most important theologians included it in their discussion.
The greater thinker of the fourth century, St. Augustine (394-430), placed the origin of language in man’s reason, as had the stoics, and compared the evolution of language with language development in children.[26]. Boethius (480-525), a Roman statesman and philosopher, who translated Aristotle into Latin, emphasized the difference between language and thought. Articulated language is different everywhere, but tears, mourning, and emotional expression are universally understood. The North African, Fabius Caludius Gordianus Fulgentius (480-550)wrote a world history, in which he expressed the belief that language did not come from God, but had grown from “wild root”. For the Bishop Isidor of Sevilla (565-636) language was an inseparable characteristics of a people; he believed everyone learned the language of his race without any apparent effort.[27]
4世紀偉大的思想家聖.奧斯丁(354-430),從人類理性來看『語言的起源』,就像禁慾主義者(或斯多葛學派哲學家),他把『語言和兒童語言發展』拿來比較。羅馬政治家及哲學家Boothis:他曾把亞理斯多德翻成拉丁文,他則強調『語言與思想』的不同,在任何地方『發音清晰的、可成為系統的語言』和『口語』是不同的。但是,大家都知道什麼是『淚水、悲傷』等情感的表達。 北非的Fabius Caludius,則寫了部世界史,其中,他認為『語言不是從上帝而來的』; 而是從『野外生出來的』。Isidor of Sevilla 主教,則認為:語言是『跟人們不可分離的』,『語言是各個種族都可以輕而易舉得到的』。
After an interval of four centuries in which men were absorbed by the problems of the political intergration of Europe, the interest in the problem in language was revived with the rise of Schola. Its founder, Anselm of Canterbury (1033-1109), wrote on language in the years after 1060. Language only approximates reality and is not identical with God’s creation. IT may, therefore, be subjected to analytic study and psychological interpretation. This attitude toward language is also seen in the writings of his student Peter Abelard (1079-1142) who was the most influential language photosphere of his time. He wrote in his “Logia” (ca 1113-1123) that different designation of the same thing- by different languages- did not imply different meanings; men had only assigned a variety of sounds to the same thing. What people meant was everywhere the same, because meaning was a part of nature. Language was not God’s creation; the man of reason is master of his language and never ruled by it, Latin does not provide the basis or limit of human reason; like all knowledge it can be subject to improvement.[28]
在四個世紀的整合後,在歐洲,人們吸收了各種政治上整合的問題,因為Schola的盛行,引起了人們對語言的興趣。Anselm of Centebuary是Schola的創始人,在1060年,寫了這個作品:語言只是「極度的寫實」,而不是「上帝所創造的」,也因此,語言是屬於:「分析性的研究」及「心裡學上的詮釋」。這種對語言的態度,也有在他的學生Peter 的作品中看到, Peter是當代最有影響力的哲學家,以不同的語言來說,他的作品「Logia」,跟其他的作品,有著不一樣的「名稱」,即:不只有不同的意義,對於相同的物件,人們也有賦予各種不同聲音去說明(命名)的能力。各種人類的語言(名稱)都是一樣的,因為「意義」是大自然的一部份。即:語言,不是上帝創造的,是人們理性的主宰,而永不會被上帝控制。 就算拉丁文,也沒提供人類理性的基本架構或是限制,拉丁文,就像其他語言知識一樣,是會改進的。
A few Medieval writers placed even greater emphasis on the emphasis on the natural aspect pf language. Petrus Heliae, who taught grammar in Paris after 1140, suggested that there are ,ore systems of grammar as yet unknown and that all languages including the dialects can be systematically described and rationally understood [29]. A contemporary anonymous opusculum of he Bernardine Monastery of Ceteaux expressed the thought that language is the product of a natural law and attempted to substantiate this claim by the law of primacy for the letter a in all languages known [30]. But the most theories did not go that far. Abelard’s student John of Salisbury (ca 1115-1180), wrote in his “Metalogicon’ of 1160 that man received his reason and his ability to speak from the “natura clementissima parens ominum,’ but that names must have been invented by man. ( Language was given again being considered primarily in terms of names) [31]. This separation between a recognized natural language capacity and ,an-made language was maintained by most medieval authors including Petrus Hispanus (ca 1220-1227) who later became Pope John ⅩⅩⅠ, John de Dacia professor at Paris in 1280 and Thomas Aquians (1225-1274). Roger Bacon (ca 1214-1294) was to write in 1292 that differences between languages were based on physiological and climatic factors but proposed that language was the result of willful human invention [32].
一些中世紀的作家很重視「語言的自然面」, 在1140年後,在巴黎教文法的Petrus Khaliae,認為:還是有很多的「未知的文法系統」,即:語言中,包含各種的方言,能可以被「有系統的描述」,而且,「可以理性的去理解它(方言、語言)。」 同時,Bernadine Monstery of Ceteaux 的小品則認為:「語言是自然世界法則的產物」,他更進一步把這種『天主教中的大主教的偉大法則:認為所有的語言,都該知道「a」這個字母』的想法,具體化。但,大部分的理論都沒有做到這點。 Abelard的學生John of Salisbury,在1160年寫了「Metalogicon」,作品中認為:人們擁有理性,而且可以運用語言的能力。但是,「名稱」,還是由人們創造出來的。(再一次,語言被認為是:還是主要以「名稱」為主)。中世紀的作家,包含Petrus Hispanus, Thomas Aquinas,則可以區別「自然語言的認知能力」和「人類創造的語言」。Petrus Hispanus, 後來變成教宗約翰11世,是在1280年巴黎。而Roger Bacon培根,則在1292年指出:他從「生物學及氣候方面」,來切入語言,他仍認為『語言是人類自由創造出來的』。
According to Ricobald of Ferrara, the separation of language capacity and languages was supported by a miracle he observed in 1293. A deaf-mute acquired hearing and speech after praying at the grave of St. Anthony Padua; he could repeat what was said to him but did not understand the meaning of the words. This proved that the miracle could only establish the God-given physiological language ability but not the knowledge of a particular language which had to be learned [33].
在1293年,根據Richard of Ferrara 的觀察到的「奇蹟」:他支持:把「語言能力」和「語言本身」分開的說法‧在聖安東尼Padua的墓前禱告後,那些有聽力障礙的人,在學習「聽力和語言能力時」,他們就可以「重複」所聽到的東西,但是,他們並不瞭解「字的意義」‧這也證明了「只有上帝給的心理語言學能力」才能建立起這樣的奇蹟‧但是, 跟「特別語言的知識」是不相關的‧
Observes believed that there must a natural language, the direct expression of untutored language ability. Emperor Frederic Ⅱ (1192/3-1250) was seeking this natural language when he repeated Psametichos’ experiment which failed because the children died. William of Shyreswood (died 1267), an Englishman professor at the University of Paris, included the “signs of the sick” and “ natural sounds” in his definition of man’s language. The Dominican and later Archbishop of Caneterbury, Robert Kilwardby )died 1279) proclaimed that grammar should establish rules for language in general. The characteristics of any one language were as irrelevant to a science of grammar as the, material of the measuring rod or the physical characteristics of objects were to geometry [34]. The natural origin and basic similarity of all languages was also emphasized by a contemporary anonymous tractate, “ De modis significandi” and by Thomas of Erfurth at the end of the thirteenth centenary [35].
其他人相信一定有「能直接表達出來的「不受教導的」,而獲得語言能力的「自然語言」」‧Emperor Frederic二世,就在他做的Psammeticho實驗時,希望能證明,這種「自然語言」的存在‧只可惜,這實驗因為小孩子死了,而失敗‧英國人同時也是巴黎的教授,William of Shyreswood,則對他自己對「人類語言」的看法,總結道:語言,是「疾病的跡象」和「自然語言」‧多明尼加人以及Archbishop OF Canterbury, Robert Kilwardby,則認為:「在共同的語言上,必須建立有規則的文法」,這種「任何語言都有的特質性」和「文法的科學性」是不相關的‧ 「科學性」就是把語言認為是「可衡量的」物質,或是向幾何學裡的「物體的物理性」‧當代的不知名小冊子、論文,也強調這種語言的起源,和共同語言間的相似性,就像在Thomas Of Erfurth在13世紀末所寫的「De modis significandi”」
[24] Borst, A., Pp. 164, 178.
[25] ___. Pp. 237,356.
[26] ___. Pp. 392.
[27] ___. Pp. 424,426,450.
[28] ___. Pp..450,605,606,632,635
[29] ___. Pp.636-7
[30] ___. Pp.638
[31] ___. Pp..640
[32] ___. Pp..797-800,810 et seq., 901-902
[33] ___. P.864
[34] ___. Pp..756,796,799
[35] ___. Pp..798,895
2. Definition
exegesis: 釋;註釋
statesman: 政治家
designation: 指定;任命
opusculum: 小品;音樂小品;文學小品
Monastery: 男子的)修道院;僧院[C]
Stoic: 禁慾主義者; S-)斯多葛學派哲學家
Articulate: 1. 使成為系統的整體;使相互連貫 ; 2. 發音清晰的,可聽懂的
Interval: 戲劇,音樂會等的)幕間,休息時間
Schola: 1) An intermission of work, leisure for learning, learned conversation, debate, disputation, lecture, dissertation. 2) A meeting place for teachers and pupils, place for instruction, place of learning, school. 3)The disciples of a teacher, body of followers, school, sect. (--Elementary Latin Dictionary, OUP
Approximated reality: This painting approximates reality. ->这幅画逼真
Designation: 命名;稱號
Substantiate: 使實體化
Metalogicon : The Metalogicon of John of Salisbury: A Twelfth-Century Defense of the Verbal and Logical Arts of the Trivium
Physiological 生理的,生理上正常的
Tractate: 論文;小冊子,短文
See the upper part
[生物] checking LB4-7 New words
New Words: updated on Dec 8
limb 肢;臂;腳;翼; 大樹枝,主枝; 分支;執行者,代理人
vertebrates 脊椎動物
salamander (傳說中生活在火中的)火蜥蜴,火蛇;火精,火怪
larval anuran, 幼蟲的;幼體的
amputated 醫】切斷;鋸掉;截(肢)
autograft 醫】自身移植物(如皮膚等)
Morphogenesis, 器官發生
appendage, 生】附屬器官,附屬肢體(如臂、腿、尾等)
mitotic 生】有絲分裂的
cartilage 【解】軟骨原骨,軟骨成骨
blastema 【生】胚芽
embryology 胚胎學
distal 【解】末梢部的;末端的
dystrophic (家庭或工業垃圾等對水的)污染
histological 組織學的
dysfunction. 官能不良;官能障礙
lobe【解】(腦、 肺等的)葉
neonate (未滿月的)嬰兒
internuncial 【解】(神經細胞間之)聯絡的
furnished 給(房間)配置(傢俱等);裝備[(+with)]
Warren’s truss
embryonic 胚芽的;胎兒的
limb 肢;臂;腳;翼; 大樹枝,主枝; 分支;執行者,代理人
vertebrates 脊椎動物
salamander (傳說中生活在火中的)火蜥蜴,火蛇;火精,火怪
larval anuran, 幼蟲的;幼體的
amputated 醫】切斷;鋸掉;截(肢)
autograft 醫】自身移植物(如皮膚等)
Morphogenesis, 器官發生
appendage, 生】附屬器官,附屬肢體(如臂、腿、尾等)
mitotic 生】有絲分裂的
cartilage 【解】軟骨原骨,軟骨成骨
blastema 【生】胚芽
embryology 胚胎學
distal 【解】末梢部的;末端的
dystrophic (家庭或工業垃圾等對水的)污染
histological 組織學的
dysfunction. 官能不良;官能障礙
lobe【解】(腦、 肺等的)葉
neonate (未滿月的)嬰兒
internuncial 【解】(神經細胞間之)聯絡的
furnished 給(房間)配置(傢俱等);裝備[(+with)]
Warren’s truss
embryonic 胚芽的;胎兒的
2008年11月4日 星期二
2008年11月3日 星期一
2008年11月1日 星期六
2008年10月31日 星期五
2008年10月29日 星期三
[心理] \(^^\)(/^^)/ 表情符號
1. 成大 96年 林東青 也有研究 表情符號
成大 96年 林東青《男女在即時通上使用表情符號及創意書寫方式的差異》
Gender Differences in Emoticon Use and Creative Writings on Instant Messaging
Key : creative writing, emotion
1. 成大 96年 林東青 也有研究 表情符號
成大 96年 林東青《男女在即時通上使用表情符號及創意書寫方式的差異》
Gender Differences in Emoticon Use and Creative Writings on Instant Messaging
Key : creative writing, emotion
2008年10月28日 星期二
[生物] typing LB4-7 惠珍Typing
There is evidence (1) that the issues of the brain and the rest of the body constitute an organic, interdependent unit; and (2) that organisms are not programmed for their behavior by an ex-machina force, but instead they develop a program ontogenetically together with nervous and nonnervous tissues.
(1) Mutual influence in the development of Nervous and Other Tissue
Let us first consider the developmental relationship between nervous and other tissue. Our discussion can be divided into (a) metabolic or trophic relationships and (b) nonmetabolic, particularly mechanical relationhships.
(a) Trophic Relationships. Nervous tissue stands in an intimate relationship to other tissue anatomically contiguous to it. This is shown most clearly by the essential role played by nerves in the process of regeneration. There are a number of studies available which indicate that regeneration of an entire limb in lower vertebrates (fish, lizards, urodele, salamander, larval anuran, and postmetamorphic frog) and probably also in invertebrates is dependent on the presence of nerves in the amputated stump (Singer, 1959, Gutmann, 1964).
In a series of experiments by Schotté and Butler (1944), Singer (1947), and their students, and Nicholas (1949), it has been shown that an amputated limb will not regenerate unless an intact nerve is either present in the remaining stump from the beginning or is transplanted into the cut surface by autograft (however, see Thornton and Steen, 1962). Morphogenesis, that is, an orderly sequence of tissue differentiation and development of the lost appendage, will not ordinarily take place in the absence of living nervous issue during the very first stage of regeneration. If all nerves are removed form this stump during the earliest period, mitotic activity is dramatically slowed down; eventually some small amount of connective tissue, cartilage, and muscle may form in a disorderly nonfunctional fashion, giving a shriveled and shapeless appearance to the stump. If viable nervous tissue is not present from the start of the amputation but brought into the so-called blastema shortly afterward, regeneration takes place but the regenerate limb is poorly developed. The nerve need not be present throughout the entire period of regeneration; once the limb has begun to grow and tissues are sufficiently differentiated, the nerve may be removed without impariment of the morphegenetic potency acquired by these tissues during their earliest stage of formation. Singer (1974) has shown that it does not matter for regeneration what type of nerve, whether motor, sensory, or autonomic, is present in the blastema. It is merely the amount of nervous tissue present that controls the regenerative possibilities. Apparently a product of nerve-cell metabolism induces morphogenesis in the blastema.
These studies leave many questions about the biochemistry of embryology and growth unanswered; yet they do give us a glimpse of the complete interdependence and the natural integration of different tissues in the animal body. This impression is further strengthened if we consider some of the other trophic relationships that nerves have to peripheral tissue (for instance, the well-known fact of denervation atrophy). If the axon of a motor neuron is cut, the portion distal of the cut will die promptly, presumably because of its separation from its source of supply of vital substances (Gerard, 1950). But this is not the extent of the degenerative changes following the section of a motor nerve. The muscle innervated by the nerve will also undergo dystrophic changes with an extremely characteristic histological appearance. The loss of muscle substance is not due to a “functional” disturbance, such as the inhibition of nerve impulse transmission (Hamburger & Levi-Montalcini, 1950) nor due to disuse of the muscle; the muscle cannot be saved from atrophy by passive exercise. Indeed, the metabolic interdependence of nonnervous, peripheral tissue and nervous tissue is proven by the fact that the nerves themselves must have anatomic continuity with muscles for proper metabolic function. Severance of nerve from muscle will induce retrograde changes in the body of the neuron (the soma), known as chromatolysis, which is a sign of dysfunction.
Perhaps the most striking evidence for the subtle but definite interdependence of peripheral structures and the central nervous system is provided by the stunted growth resulting from large cerebro-hemispheric and specifically parietal lobe lesions in the neonate human. This phenomenon was described by Macdonald Critchley (1955) and has been generally known to occur in connection with a condition called infantile hemiplegia. The stunting of the body side contralateral to the brain lesion occurs both in congenital and in acquired infantile hemiplegia and is not due to disuse, first because all tissues in the extremities involved are equally affected and second, because the arrest of growth starts at birth in the congenital cases, that is, before either the affected or the unaffected side is actively being used (Holt, 1961). These cases are even more interesting in the present context than the denervation atrohy, because here we see a relation between the highest level of the central nervous system and nonnervous structures of the periphery. Because the cells of the cerebral cortex are separated from those on the periphery by several internuncial neurons, there is an indication of a very subtle control that the higher centers of the central nervous system appear to exe3rcise upon the development of the body as a whole.
(b) Mechanical Relationships. In addition to the metabolic influences between nervous tissue and other tissue, morphogenesis is controlled by several other factors, some of which are indirectly related to neurophysiology. A good illustration is furnished by the mechanical forces exerted upon growing tissue, particularly bone, which stimulate cell division in certain directions. As muscles are innervated and begin to function, they exert a pull upon the boned to which they are attached and thus help shape the internal structure of this tissue.
It has often been noted (and, unfortunately, frequently been emphasized out of all proportion to its true importance) that the architecture of certain organs is ideally suited to their function. An excellent example of this was provided by D’Arcy Thompson (1942) who wrote, “In all the mechanical side of anatomy nothing can be more beautiful than the construction of a vulture’s metacarpal bone. The engineer sees in it a perfect Warren’s truss, just such a one as is often used for a main rib in an aeroplane.” The fundamental schema of the shape of individual bones and the skeleton as a whole are undoubtedly the result of evolutionary processes including selection and adaptation on a phylogenetic rather than an ontogenetic scale (Hackenbroch, 1957-1962). However, the actual realization of what is only potentially present in the fertilized egg is largely dependent upon factors which are active during ontogenesis. This is vest illustrated by the development of the internal structure of bones. In 1866, a Swiss engineer, Culmann, noted that the internal trusses in the head of a human femur, anatomically known as trabeculae, were oriented in exactly the direction of the lines of maximum internal stress. He drew a diagram of a curved rod showing the lines of stress resulting from the application of a load from above (Fig. 1.1a). The model somewhat resembled the head of a derrick which he had just designed, and it is therefore referred to as a crane’s head. It bears a striking similarity to a section of the head of the femur (Fig. 1.1c). Culmann’s idea gave rise to J. Wolff’s famous theory expressed in his monograph on The Law of Bone Transformation (1870), according to which every change in the function of a bone produces changes in its trabecular architecture and external form in conformity with mathematical, static laws. The theory has since been criticized (Küntsher, 1934, 1936), modified (Murray, 1936), and elaborated upon (Evans, 1955, 1957, 1960; Carey, 1929). However, the idea is widely accepted today that muscles, through the tonus already present on early embryonic life, exert essential forces upon the growing bone. These pressures, together with those produced by differential growth of various parts of the embryo, result in stresses and strains which are the prerequisite stimuli for proper bone formation.
There is evidence (1) that the issues of the brain and the rest of the body constitute an organic, interdependent unit; and (2) that organisms are not programmed for their behavior by an ex-machina force, but instead they develop a program ontogenetically together with nervous and nonnervous tissues.
(1) Mutual influence in the development of Nervous and Other Tissue
Let us first consider the developmental relationship between nervous and other tissue. Our discussion can be divided into (a) metabolic or trophic relationships and (b) nonmetabolic, particularly mechanical relationhships.
(a) Trophic Relationships. Nervous tissue stands in an intimate relationship to other tissue anatomically contiguous to it. This is shown most clearly by the essential role played by nerves in the process of regeneration. There are a number of studies available which indicate that regeneration of an entire limb in lower vertebrates (fish, lizards, urodele, salamander, larval anuran, and postmetamorphic frog) and probably also in invertebrates is dependent on the presence of nerves in the amputated stump (Singer, 1959, Gutmann, 1964).
In a series of experiments by Schotté and Butler (1944), Singer (1947), and their students, and Nicholas (1949), it has been shown that an amputated limb will not regenerate unless an intact nerve is either present in the remaining stump from the beginning or is transplanted into the cut surface by autograft (however, see Thornton and Steen, 1962). Morphogenesis, that is, an orderly sequence of tissue differentiation and development of the lost appendage, will not ordinarily take place in the absence of living nervous issue during the very first stage of regeneration. If all nerves are removed form this stump during the earliest period, mitotic activity is dramatically slowed down; eventually some small amount of connective tissue, cartilage, and muscle may form in a disorderly nonfunctional fashion, giving a shriveled and shapeless appearance to the stump. If viable nervous tissue is not present from the start of the amputation but brought into the so-called blastema shortly afterward, regeneration takes place but the regenerate limb is poorly developed. The nerve need not be present throughout the entire period of regeneration; once the limb has begun to grow and tissues are sufficiently differentiated, the nerve may be removed without impariment of the morphegenetic potency acquired by these tissues during their earliest stage of formation. Singer (1974) has shown that it does not matter for regeneration what type of nerve, whether motor, sensory, or autonomic, is present in the blastema. It is merely the amount of nervous tissue present that controls the regenerative possibilities. Apparently a product of nerve-cell metabolism induces morphogenesis in the blastema.
These studies leave many questions about the biochemistry of embryology and growth unanswered; yet they do give us a glimpse of the complete interdependence and the natural integration of different tissues in the animal body. This impression is further strengthened if we consider some of the other trophic relationships that nerves have to peripheral tissue (for instance, the well-known fact of denervation atrophy). If the axon of a motor neuron is cut, the portion distal of the cut will die promptly, presumably because of its separation from its source of supply of vital substances (Gerard, 1950). But this is not the extent of the degenerative changes following the section of a motor nerve. The muscle innervated by the nerve will also undergo dystrophic changes with an extremely characteristic histological appearance. The loss of muscle substance is not due to a “functional” disturbance, such as the inhibition of nerve impulse transmission (Hamburger & Levi-Montalcini, 1950) nor due to disuse of the muscle; the muscle cannot be saved from atrophy by passive exercise. Indeed, the metabolic interdependence of nonnervous, peripheral tissue and nervous tissue is proven by the fact that the nerves themselves must have anatomic continuity with muscles for proper metabolic function. Severance of nerve from muscle will induce retrograde changes in the body of the neuron (the soma), known as chromatolysis, which is a sign of dysfunction.
Perhaps the most striking evidence for the subtle but definite interdependence of peripheral structures and the central nervous system is provided by the stunted growth resulting from large cerebro-hemispheric and specifically parietal lobe lesions in the neonate human. This phenomenon was described by Macdonald Critchley (1955) and has been generally known to occur in connection with a condition called infantile hemiplegia. The stunting of the body side contralateral to the brain lesion occurs both in congenital and in acquired infantile hemiplegia and is not due to disuse, first because all tissues in the extremities involved are equally affected and second, because the arrest of growth starts at birth in the congenital cases, that is, before either the affected or the unaffected side is actively being used (Holt, 1961). These cases are even more interesting in the present context than the denervation atrohy, because here we see a relation between the highest level of the central nervous system and nonnervous structures of the periphery. Because the cells of the cerebral cortex are separated from those on the periphery by several internuncial neurons, there is an indication of a very subtle control that the higher centers of the central nervous system appear to exe3rcise upon the development of the body as a whole.
(b) Mechanical Relationships. In addition to the metabolic influences between nervous tissue and other tissue, morphogenesis is controlled by several other factors, some of which are indirectly related to neurophysiology. A good illustration is furnished by the mechanical forces exerted upon growing tissue, particularly bone, which stimulate cell division in certain directions. As muscles are innervated and begin to function, they exert a pull upon the boned to which they are attached and thus help shape the internal structure of this tissue.
It has often been noted (and, unfortunately, frequently been emphasized out of all proportion to its true importance) that the architecture of certain organs is ideally suited to their function. An excellent example of this was provided by D’Arcy Thompson (1942) who wrote, “In all the mechanical side of anatomy nothing can be more beautiful than the construction of a vulture’s metacarpal bone. The engineer sees in it a perfect Warren’s truss, just such a one as is often used for a main rib in an aeroplane.” The fundamental schema of the shape of individual bones and the skeleton as a whole are undoubtedly the result of evolutionary processes including selection and adaptation on a phylogenetic rather than an ontogenetic scale (Hackenbroch, 1957-1962). However, the actual realization of what is only potentially present in the fertilized egg is largely dependent upon factors which are active during ontogenesis. This is vest illustrated by the development of the internal structure of bones. In 1866, a Swiss engineer, Culmann, noted that the internal trusses in the head of a human femur, anatomically known as trabeculae, were oriented in exactly the direction of the lines of maximum internal stress. He drew a diagram of a curved rod showing the lines of stress resulting from the application of a load from above (Fig. 1.1a). The model somewhat resembled the head of a derrick which he had just designed, and it is therefore referred to as a crane’s head. It bears a striking similarity to a section of the head of the femur (Fig. 1.1c). Culmann’s idea gave rise to J. Wolff’s famous theory expressed in his monograph on The Law of Bone Transformation (1870), according to which every change in the function of a bone produces changes in its trabecular architecture and external form in conformity with mathematical, static laws. The theory has since been criticized (Küntsher, 1934, 1936), modified (Murray, 1936), and elaborated upon (Evans, 1955, 1957, 1960; Carey, 1929). However, the idea is widely accepted today that muscles, through the tonus already present on early embryonic life, exert essential forces upon the growing bone. These pressures, together with those produced by differential growth of various parts of the embryo, result in stresses and strains which are the prerequisite stimuli for proper bone formation.
2008年10月27日 星期一
[其他] Lexical Semantics Website
Wordnet (http://wordnet.princeton.edu/)
Ontosaurus (http://www.isi.edu/isd/ontosaurus.html )
Ontosaurus (http://www.isi.edu/isd/ontosaurus.html)
Lexical Freenet (http://www.cinfn.com/doc/ )
FramNet (http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu/)
Hownet (http://www.keenage.com
Wordnet (http://wordnet.princeton.edu/)
Ontosaurus (http://www.isi.edu/isd/ontosaurus.html )
Ontosaurus (http://www.isi.edu/isd/ontosaurus.html)
Lexical Freenet (http://www.cinfn.com/doc/ )
FramNet (http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu/)
Hownet (http://www.keenage.com
2008年10月21日 星期二
l 永大上海廠獲利金雞母—兩岸電梯維修商機雄厚
l 印度最大石化集團 大規模關廠裁員 Nov 12
Real estate
l 建築融資 民營銀行限縮
l 弱勢族 房貸卡債大紓困
l 民營銀行拉客 存半年給3%
l 富邦金擬併日盛證 金管會不反對
l 亞洲金融風暴
l 私募基金
l 美國運通 獲准改制商銀 Nov 12
l 製造業申請紓困逾十家
l 美三大車廠 瀕臨破產 Nov 11
l 撐不住了 美國電路城聲請破產 Nov 11
l 星巴克獲利劇減 麥當勞銷售增 Nov 12
l 二胎房貸 中小企周轉管道
l 防裁員關廠 官員繃緊神經
l 金援中大企 政院加碼6,000億
l 中小企:大企業拖款 該管管了
l 中小企申請紓困 暴增14倍
To be continued
l 永大上海廠獲利金雞母—兩岸電梯維修商機雄厚
l 印度最大石化集團 大規模關廠裁員 Nov 12
Real estate
l 建築融資 民營銀行限縮
l 弱勢族 房貸卡債大紓困
l 民營銀行拉客 存半年給3%
l 富邦金擬併日盛證 金管會不反對
l 亞洲金融風暴
l 私募基金
l 美國運通 獲准改制商銀 Nov 12
l 製造業申請紓困逾十家
l 美三大車廠 瀕臨破產 Nov 11
l 撐不住了 美國電路城聲請破產 Nov 11
l 星巴克獲利劇減 麥當勞銷售增 Nov 12
l 二胎房貸 中小企周轉管道
l 防裁員關廠 官員繃緊神經
l 金援中大企 政院加碼6,000億
l 中小企:大企業拖款 該管管了
l 中小企申請紓困 暴增14倍
To be continued
2008年10月18日 星期六
[生物] 手語 & body languages
手語 from Wiki
公視 聽聽看
Non verbal language : body languages and gesture
Video :Studio Classroom/Hosts Rachel and Gabe discuss Body Language/
body language doesn't represent meaningful word
公視 聽聽看
Non verbal language : body languages and gesture
Video :Studio Classroom/Hosts Rachel and Gabe discuss Body Language/
body language doesn't represent meaningful word
2008年10月13日 星期一
[心理] Words & Meaning~字彙教學
(廖柏森 淺談學術英文搭配詞)
兒童color poem (Everyone Could Be Shakespeare)
English on stop (on-line test)
[心理] 同義字與相關字典網站
1. 中正大學
2. Definition from Wiki
4. Website:
http://www.synonym.com/ http://patentmaps.com/3i/3i-conceptEngine-f.htm
http://www.edictionary.org/ 線上字典網
1. 中正大學
2. Definition from Wiki
4. Website:
http://www.synonym.com/ http://patentmaps.com/3i/3i-conceptEngine-f.htm
http://www.edictionary.org/ 線上字典網
2008年10月12日 星期日
Knee cartilage replacement therapy
From Discovery Health 21st Centuayr Medicine 3- Regenerating Life DVD
Autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI) and Carticel
2008年10月9日 星期四
2008年10月8日 星期三
2008年10月5日 星期日
2008年10月1日 星期三
[生物] checking-typing LB449~450惠珍 Typing and checking
《Biological Foundations of Language》Preface: The history of the biological language
Assigned reading: Page 449-450
1. Typing
A very serious shortcoming of most Roman writers on language was the limitation of their discussions to Latin and Greek, which Steinthal regarded as the chief factor for their failure to formulate a more general language theory. In the writings of Gaius Plinius Secundus (23-79 A.D.) and of Strabo (63 B.C.-24 A.D.) only Greek and Latin are given serious consideration. One of the few to include other languages as well was the Epicurean Diogenes of Oinoanda (2nd century A.D.) who wrote that men created language everywhere quite naturally; it was not a conscious invention or the result of convention. No single man or god could have created it [24].
The church fathers and Christian thinkers of the first centuries of our era, intent on defining man’s relationship to God, were content to establish God’s rule over language, and language differences were not of primary concern to them.[25] These differences were to become a problem, once church had begun to spread among people with different languages. The study of languages and language theory would receive new impetus whenever a country was to be Christianized.
In the succeeding 1500 years the interpretation of language in terms of revelation and biblical exegesis stood in the foreground of language theory. The natural basis of language was never completely lost to view, and some of the most important theologians included it in their discussion.
The greater thinker of the fourth century, St. Augustine (394-430), placed the origin of language in man’s reason, as had the stoics, and compared the evolution of language with language development in children.[26]. Boethius (480-525), a Roman statesman and philosopher, who translated Aristotle into Latin, emphasized the difference between language and thought. Articulated language is different everywhere, but tears, mourning, and emotional expression are universally understood. The North African, Fabius Caludius Gordianus Fulgentius (480-550)wrote a world history, in which he expressed the belief that language did not come from God, but had grown from “wild root”. For the Bishop Isidor of Sevilla (565-636) language was an inseparable characteristics of a people; he believed everyone learned the language of his race without any apparent effort.[27]
After an interval of four centuries in which men were absorbed by the problems of the political intergration of Europe, the interest in the problem in language was revived with the rise of Schola. Its founder, Anselm of Canterbury (1033-1109), wrote on language in the years after 1060. Language only approximates reality and is not identical with God’s creation. IT may, therefore, be subjected to analytic study and psychological interpretation. This attitude toward language is also seen in the writings of his student Peter Abelard (1079-1142) who was the most influential language photosphere of his time. He wrote in his “Logia” (ca 1113-1123) that different designation of the same thing- by different languages- did not imply different meanings; men had only assigned a variety of sounds to the same thing. What people meant was everywhere the same, because meaning was a part of nature. Language was not God’s creation; the man of reason is master of his language and never ruled by it, Latin does not provide the basis or limit of human reason; like all knowledge it can be subject to improvement.[28]
A few Medieval writers placed even greater emphasis on the emphasis on the natural aspect pf language. Petrus Heliae, who taught grammar in Paris after 1140, suggested that there are ,ore systems of grammar as yet unknown and that all languages including the dialects can be systematically described and rationally understood [29]. A contemporary anonymous opusculum of he Bernardine Monastery of Ceteaux expressed the thought that language is the product of a natural law and attempted to substantiate this claim by the law of primacy for the letter a in all languages known [30]. But the most theories did not go that far. Abelard’s student John of Salisbury (ca 1115-1180), wrote in his “Metalogicon’ of 1160 that man received his reason and his ability to speak from the “natura clementissima parens ominum,’ but that names must have been invented by man. ( Language was given again being considered primarily in terms of names) [31]. This separation between a recognized natural language capacity and ,an-made language was maintained by most medieval authors including Petrus Hispanus (ca 1220-1227) who later became Pope John ⅩⅩⅠ, John de Dacia professor at Paris in 1280 and Thomas Aquians (1225-1274). Roger Bacon (ca 1214-1294) was to write in 1292 that differences between languages were based on physiological and climatic factors but proposed that language was the result of willful human invention [32].
According to Ricobald of Ferrara, the separation of language capacity and languages was supported by a miracle he observed in 1293. A deaf-mute acquired hearing and speech after praying at the grave of St. Anthony Padua; he could repeat what was said to him but did not understand the meaning of the words. This proved that the miracle could only establish the God-given physiological language ability but not the knowledge of a particular language which had to be learned [33].
Observes believed that there must a natural language, the direct expression of untutored language ability. Emperor Frederic Ⅱ (1192/3-1250) was seeking this natural language when he repeated Psametichos’ experiment which failed because the children died. William of Shyreswood (died 1267), an Englishman professor at the University of Paris, included the “signs of the sick” and “ natural sounds” in his definition of man’s language. The Dominican and later Archbishop of Caneterbury, Robert Kilwardby )died 1279) proclaimed that grammar should establish rules for language in general. The characteristics of any one language were as irrelevant to a science of grammar as the, material of the measuring rod or the physical characteristics of objects were to geometry [34]. The natural origin and basic similarity of all languages was also emphasized by a contemporary anonymous tractate, “ De modis significandi” and by Thomas of Erfurth at the end of the thirteenth centenary [35].
[24] Borst, A., Pp. 164, 178.
[25] ___. Pp. 237,356.
[26] ___. Pp. 392.
[27] ___. Pp. 424,426,450.
[28] ___. Pp..450,605,606,632,635
[29] ___. Pp.636-7
[30] ___. Pp.638
[31] ___. Pp..640
[32] ___. Pp..797-800,810 et seq., 901-902
[33] ___. P.864
[34] ___. Pp..756,796,799
[35] ___. Pp..798,895
2. Definition
exegesis: 釋;註釋
statesman: 政治家
designation: 指定;任命
opusculum: 小品;音樂小品;文學小品
Monastery: 男子的)修道院;僧院[C]
Stoic: 禁慾主義者; S-)斯多葛學派哲學家
Articulate: 1. 使成為系統的整體;使相互連貫 ; 2. 發音清晰的,可聽懂的
Interval: 戲劇,音樂會等的)幕間,休息時間
Schola: 1) An intermission of work, leisure for learning, learned conversation, debate, disputation, lecture, dissertation. 2) A meeting place for teachers and pupils, place for instruction, place of learning, school. 3)The disciples of a teacher, body of followers, school, sect. (--Elementary Latin Dictionary, OUP
Approximated reality: This painting approximates reality. ->这幅画逼真
Designation: 命名;稱號
Substantiate: 使實體化
《Biological Foundations of Language》Preface: The history of the biological language
Assigned reading: Page 449-450
1. Typing
A very serious shortcoming of most Roman writers on language was the limitation of their discussions to Latin and Greek, which Steinthal regarded as the chief factor for their failure to formulate a more general language theory. In the writings of Gaius Plinius Secundus (23-79 A.D.) and of Strabo (63 B.C.-24 A.D.) only Greek and Latin are given serious consideration. One of the few to include other languages as well was the Epicurean Diogenes of Oinoanda (2nd century A.D.) who wrote that men created language everywhere quite naturally; it was not a conscious invention or the result of convention. No single man or god could have created it [24].
The church fathers and Christian thinkers of the first centuries of our era, intent on defining man’s relationship to God, were content to establish God’s rule over language, and language differences were not of primary concern to them.[25] These differences were to become a problem, once church had begun to spread among people with different languages. The study of languages and language theory would receive new impetus whenever a country was to be Christianized.
In the succeeding 1500 years the interpretation of language in terms of revelation and biblical exegesis stood in the foreground of language theory. The natural basis of language was never completely lost to view, and some of the most important theologians included it in their discussion.
The greater thinker of the fourth century, St. Augustine (394-430), placed the origin of language in man’s reason, as had the stoics, and compared the evolution of language with language development in children.[26]. Boethius (480-525), a Roman statesman and philosopher, who translated Aristotle into Latin, emphasized the difference between language and thought. Articulated language is different everywhere, but tears, mourning, and emotional expression are universally understood. The North African, Fabius Caludius Gordianus Fulgentius (480-550)wrote a world history, in which he expressed the belief that language did not come from God, but had grown from “wild root”. For the Bishop Isidor of Sevilla (565-636) language was an inseparable characteristics of a people; he believed everyone learned the language of his race without any apparent effort.[27]
After an interval of four centuries in which men were absorbed by the problems of the political intergration of Europe, the interest in the problem in language was revived with the rise of Schola. Its founder, Anselm of Canterbury (1033-1109), wrote on language in the years after 1060. Language only approximates reality and is not identical with God’s creation. IT may, therefore, be subjected to analytic study and psychological interpretation. This attitude toward language is also seen in the writings of his student Peter Abelard (1079-1142) who was the most influential language photosphere of his time. He wrote in his “Logia” (ca 1113-1123) that different designation of the same thing- by different languages- did not imply different meanings; men had only assigned a variety of sounds to the same thing. What people meant was everywhere the same, because meaning was a part of nature. Language was not God’s creation; the man of reason is master of his language and never ruled by it, Latin does not provide the basis or limit of human reason; like all knowledge it can be subject to improvement.[28]
A few Medieval writers placed even greater emphasis on the emphasis on the natural aspect pf language. Petrus Heliae, who taught grammar in Paris after 1140, suggested that there are ,ore systems of grammar as yet unknown and that all languages including the dialects can be systematically described and rationally understood [29]. A contemporary anonymous opusculum of he Bernardine Monastery of Ceteaux expressed the thought that language is the product of a natural law and attempted to substantiate this claim by the law of primacy for the letter a in all languages known [30]. But the most theories did not go that far. Abelard’s student John of Salisbury (ca 1115-1180), wrote in his “Metalogicon’ of 1160 that man received his reason and his ability to speak from the “natura clementissima parens ominum,’ but that names must have been invented by man. ( Language was given again being considered primarily in terms of names) [31]. This separation between a recognized natural language capacity and ,an-made language was maintained by most medieval authors including Petrus Hispanus (ca 1220-1227) who later became Pope John ⅩⅩⅠ, John de Dacia professor at Paris in 1280 and Thomas Aquians (1225-1274). Roger Bacon (ca 1214-1294) was to write in 1292 that differences between languages were based on physiological and climatic factors but proposed that language was the result of willful human invention [32].
According to Ricobald of Ferrara, the separation of language capacity and languages was supported by a miracle he observed in 1293. A deaf-mute acquired hearing and speech after praying at the grave of St. Anthony Padua; he could repeat what was said to him but did not understand the meaning of the words. This proved that the miracle could only establish the God-given physiological language ability but not the knowledge of a particular language which had to be learned [33].
Observes believed that there must a natural language, the direct expression of untutored language ability. Emperor Frederic Ⅱ (1192/3-1250) was seeking this natural language when he repeated Psametichos’ experiment which failed because the children died. William of Shyreswood (died 1267), an Englishman professor at the University of Paris, included the “signs of the sick” and “ natural sounds” in his definition of man’s language. The Dominican and later Archbishop of Caneterbury, Robert Kilwardby )died 1279) proclaimed that grammar should establish rules for language in general. The characteristics of any one language were as irrelevant to a science of grammar as the, material of the measuring rod or the physical characteristics of objects were to geometry [34]. The natural origin and basic similarity of all languages was also emphasized by a contemporary anonymous tractate, “ De modis significandi” and by Thomas of Erfurth at the end of the thirteenth centenary [35].
[24] Borst, A., Pp. 164, 178.
[25] ___. Pp. 237,356.
[26] ___. Pp. 392.
[27] ___. Pp. 424,426,450.
[28] ___. Pp..450,605,606,632,635
[29] ___. Pp.636-7
[30] ___. Pp.638
[31] ___. Pp..640
[32] ___. Pp..797-800,810 et seq., 901-902
[33] ___. P.864
[34] ___. Pp..756,796,799
[35] ___. Pp..798,895
2. Definition
exegesis: 釋;註釋
statesman: 政治家
designation: 指定;任命
opusculum: 小品;音樂小品;文學小品
Monastery: 男子的)修道院;僧院[C]
Stoic: 禁慾主義者; S-)斯多葛學派哲學家
Articulate: 1. 使成為系統的整體;使相互連貫 ; 2. 發音清晰的,可聽懂的
Interval: 戲劇,音樂會等的)幕間,休息時間
Schola: 1) An intermission of work, leisure for learning, learned conversation, debate, disputation, lecture, dissertation. 2) A meeting place for teachers and pupils, place for instruction, place of learning, school. 3)The disciples of a teacher, body of followers, school, sect. (--Elementary Latin Dictionary, OUP
Approximated reality: This painting approximates reality. ->这幅画逼真
Designation: 命名;稱號
Substantiate: 使實體化
[生物] typing LB378惠珍 Typing
《Biological Foundations of Language》Ch9: Toward a biological of language development
Assigned reading: Page 378
1. Typing
(11) The raw material from which the individual synthesizes building blocks for his own language development cannot be the cause of the developing structure as evidenced by the autochthonous beginnings in the infant’s language acquisition. Primitive stages of language are simply too different from adult language to be regarded as a direct mirroring of the input. Nor is there any evidence that the adults surrounding the child are the causative or shaping agents that determine language onset or his course of development ( see discussion of need as explanation in Chapter Four and of language teaching in Chapter Seven). Purposiveness cannot, logically, be the mainspring for language development.
(12) Social settings may be required as a trigger that sets off a reaction. Perhaps a better metaphor still is the concept of resonance. In a given state of maturation, exposure to adult language behavior has an excitatory effect upon the actualization process much the way a certain frequency begins to vibrate in the presence of the sound. In the case of language onset, the energy required for the resonance is, in a sense, supplied by the individual himself; if the trigger-analogy is preferred, we might say that he unwinds himself. The resonance analogy, on the other hand, illustrates more vividly how slight variations in the frequencies that impinge on the resonator affect the quality or nature of the resonance; it is comparable to the child’s hearing of French resulting in his speaking of French, each natural language being a sleeted frequency band from the limited possible frequency range that is capable of eliciting resonance. Once the critical period during which resonance may occur is outgrown, one language is firmly established, and exposure to new and different natural language is no longer resonated to.
Thus the propagation and maintenance of language behavior in the species are not comparable to cultural tradition which is handed down from generation to generation to generation. The individual does not serve as a passive vehicle or channel through which information is transmitted; instead, he is am autonomous unit constituted in very much the same way as other units around him, ready to behave in the same fashion as they do. His behavior is activated by social contact, and there is some superficial adaptation to the structure of their behavior, but it may be well to remember that he can only function if he can synthesize (recreate might be another word) the entire language mechanism out of the raw material available to him. The raw material is of no use unless it can be broken down as food proteins are broken down into amino-acids and build up again into the pattern of his in-dwelling latent structure. Thus, the individual is seen as functioning by virtue of his own power supply, so to speak; he constructs language by himself (provided ha has the raw material to do with it), and the natural history of his development provides for mechanism by which he will harmonize his function with that if other equally autonomously functioning individuals around him; the outer form of his language will have the outer form of the language of his native community.
(13) Even though biological constitution of the individual is a essential replica of its progenitors, there are , naturally, individual variations. In fact, there are two distinct levels that are relevant to language: in the formation of the latent structure and in the actualization process from latent to realized structure. The former may be due to variations in the maturational coursed; the latter is primary due to variations in peripheral function and structure such as the vocal tract or the ears. Variations on these two levels explain the main facts about language constancies, language change, and language universals.
2. Definition:
Actualization: 實施Resonator:共鳴器,共鳴體,共振器Excitatory:刺激的;興奮的Resonance:共振Un-wind:打開Impinge: 打、撞Band: (無線電的)波段,頻帶Out-grow: 長得比...快(或大、高)Propagation: 增殖,繁殖,廣傳Autonomous: 獨立
amino-acids: 氨基; 氨基的+酸
In-dwelling latent: Dwelling:生活的Latent:潛伏性的,隱藏的隱約的指印Progenitor: 祖先,先輩,原著
Replica: 複製品
社會環境也许需要一種引信(觸發器)來引起反應。 或許,共鳴,仍然是一個比較好的引信的比喻。在實體化的過程中,在任何一個特定的成熟性狀態下,對於暴露在成人言语行为之中,仍是有一定的刺激、引發的作用在。其發生的頻率,就像,對於一些特別的共鳴器而言,在實體化的過程中,有些引發的作用。這種共鳴器,就是一種在聲音出現時,開始振動。
在語言開始的時候,就某個程度來說,是每個獨立的個體來提供所需的要震動的能量 ; 如果是採用『共振類比的』方式,我們就可以說:其實是這個個體『解開』這『引信』(能量)。從另一個角度來說,『共振類比』可以很明顯的顯示出:各種打在震動器的不同頻率,非常細微的震動,這種細微的震動,有可能會影響其震動器的品質,或是震動器本身。這種方式,也可用來解釋法國小孩的聽力影響說話的例子。每一種自然語言,都有一種可選擇的、有限的頻率,即『頻率波段』,在這個波段範圍內,就可以『引起』共振。但,曾經有段時間,是共振『過大的』,特別是結構很完整的語言,或是對於『沒有震動反應的』新奇而又不同的自然語言。
所以,在各物種之間, 語言行為的傳播和維護,是和世代相傳的文化不相容的。 人類並不是『被動的』資訊傳播的器具或是頻道; 反而是,獨立自主的單位,其組成的方式,就像其他身邊的『單位』一樣,會在同一種『流行趨勢』之下。 社會接觸影響著人類的行為,也有一些對於人類行為結構的『人為改變』,也許比較好的解說方式是:人類如可能從身邊緣使的材料中,『合成出』整個語言機制:即『重新創造出其他的字』。除非,這些『原始的材料』像蛋白質一樣能夠被分解成氨基酸,而且能再重新組成『潛在的生活樣子』,不然的話,這些原始的材料,是沒用的!所以,看來是可以這麼說:人類是依他自己的力量來運作語言,即:『自己建構語言』(假使有原始的材料提供給他的話)。人類語言的歷史發展,也提供了人類對於環境,自然運作的結果:人類的『外部語言形式』,對於本身的社群來說,是會造成其他的『外部形式』語言。
雖然,很自然的,人類的生物組成形式,有其基本複製先前祖先的能力, 意即:人類獨立無二的變化。
4. Related links
Biological Naturalism
物理 wiki
《女科學家群像 系列》葉乃裳 揚名國際物理界
《Biological Foundations of Language》Ch9: Toward a biological of language development
Assigned reading: Page 378
1. Typing
(11) The raw material from which the individual synthesizes building blocks for his own language development cannot be the cause of the developing structure as evidenced by the autochthonous beginnings in the infant’s language acquisition. Primitive stages of language are simply too different from adult language to be regarded as a direct mirroring of the input. Nor is there any evidence that the adults surrounding the child are the causative or shaping agents that determine language onset or his course of development ( see discussion of need as explanation in Chapter Four and of language teaching in Chapter Seven). Purposiveness cannot, logically, be the mainspring for language development.
(12) Social settings may be required as a trigger that sets off a reaction. Perhaps a better metaphor still is the concept of resonance. In a given state of maturation, exposure to adult language behavior has an excitatory effect upon the actualization process much the way a certain frequency begins to vibrate in the presence of the sound. In the case of language onset, the energy required for the resonance is, in a sense, supplied by the individual himself; if the trigger-analogy is preferred, we might say that he unwinds himself. The resonance analogy, on the other hand, illustrates more vividly how slight variations in the frequencies that impinge on the resonator affect the quality or nature of the resonance; it is comparable to the child’s hearing of French resulting in his speaking of French, each natural language being a sleeted frequency band from the limited possible frequency range that is capable of eliciting resonance. Once the critical period during which resonance may occur is outgrown, one language is firmly established, and exposure to new and different natural language is no longer resonated to.
Thus the propagation and maintenance of language behavior in the species are not comparable to cultural tradition which is handed down from generation to generation to generation. The individual does not serve as a passive vehicle or channel through which information is transmitted; instead, he is am autonomous unit constituted in very much the same way as other units around him, ready to behave in the same fashion as they do. His behavior is activated by social contact, and there is some superficial adaptation to the structure of their behavior, but it may be well to remember that he can only function if he can synthesize (recreate might be another word) the entire language mechanism out of the raw material available to him. The raw material is of no use unless it can be broken down as food proteins are broken down into amino-acids and build up again into the pattern of his in-dwelling latent structure. Thus, the individual is seen as functioning by virtue of his own power supply, so to speak; he constructs language by himself (provided ha has the raw material to do with it), and the natural history of his development provides for mechanism by which he will harmonize his function with that if other equally autonomously functioning individuals around him; the outer form of his language will have the outer form of the language of his native community.
(13) Even though biological constitution of the individual is a essential replica of its progenitors, there are , naturally, individual variations. In fact, there are two distinct levels that are relevant to language: in the formation of the latent structure and in the actualization process from latent to realized structure. The former may be due to variations in the maturational coursed; the latter is primary due to variations in peripheral function and structure such as the vocal tract or the ears. Variations on these two levels explain the main facts about language constancies, language change, and language universals.
2. Definition:
Actualization: 實施Resonator:共鳴器,共鳴體,共振器Excitatory:刺激的;興奮的Resonance:共振Un-wind:打開Impinge: 打、撞Band: (無線電的)波段,頻帶Out-grow: 長得比...快(或大、高)Propagation: 增殖,繁殖,廣傳Autonomous: 獨立
amino-acids: 氨基; 氨基的+酸
In-dwelling latent: Dwelling:生活的Latent:潛伏性的,隱藏的隱約的指印Progenitor: 祖先,先輩,原著
Replica: 複製品
社會環境也许需要一種引信(觸發器)來引起反應。 或許,共鳴,仍然是一個比較好的引信的比喻。在實體化的過程中,在任何一個特定的成熟性狀態下,對於暴露在成人言语行为之中,仍是有一定的刺激、引發的作用在。其發生的頻率,就像,對於一些特別的共鳴器而言,在實體化的過程中,有些引發的作用。這種共鳴器,就是一種在聲音出現時,開始振動。
在語言開始的時候,就某個程度來說,是每個獨立的個體來提供所需的要震動的能量 ; 如果是採用『共振類比的』方式,我們就可以說:其實是這個個體『解開』這『引信』(能量)。從另一個角度來說,『共振類比』可以很明顯的顯示出:各種打在震動器的不同頻率,非常細微的震動,這種細微的震動,有可能會影響其震動器的品質,或是震動器本身。這種方式,也可用來解釋法國小孩的聽力影響說話的例子。每一種自然語言,都有一種可選擇的、有限的頻率,即『頻率波段』,在這個波段範圍內,就可以『引起』共振。但,曾經有段時間,是共振『過大的』,特別是結構很完整的語言,或是對於『沒有震動反應的』新奇而又不同的自然語言。
所以,在各物種之間, 語言行為的傳播和維護,是和世代相傳的文化不相容的。 人類並不是『被動的』資訊傳播的器具或是頻道; 反而是,獨立自主的單位,其組成的方式,就像其他身邊的『單位』一樣,會在同一種『流行趨勢』之下。 社會接觸影響著人類的行為,也有一些對於人類行為結構的『人為改變』,也許比較好的解說方式是:人類如可能從身邊緣使的材料中,『合成出』整個語言機制:即『重新創造出其他的字』。除非,這些『原始的材料』像蛋白質一樣能夠被分解成氨基酸,而且能再重新組成『潛在的生活樣子』,不然的話,這些原始的材料,是沒用的!所以,看來是可以這麼說:人類是依他自己的力量來運作語言,即:『自己建構語言』(假使有原始的材料提供給他的話)。人類語言的歷史發展,也提供了人類對於環境,自然運作的結果:人類的『外部語言形式』,對於本身的社群來說,是會造成其他的『外部形式』語言。
雖然,很自然的,人類的生物組成形式,有其基本複製先前祖先的能力, 意即:人類獨立無二的變化。
4. Related links
Biological Naturalism
物理 wiki
《女科學家群像 系列》葉乃裳 揚名國際物理界
2008年9月30日 星期二
2008年9月28日 星期日
Money Index
1. Academic smart & Street Smart
2. Direct Salling
3. Small Business Strategy
4. Doing Business 2009
1. World Bank
2. 雷曼垮台最大受惠者 恩洪大賺10億美元 (Smart Magazine)
1. Real Estate
2. Stock
3. World Bank
1. ING
2. 財團法人保險事業發展中心
3. 低價分期 產險業促銷健康險
Personal Finance Management
1. can’t get rich
Negotiation skills
1. Kim Mogull
2. Donald Trump
3. Secret of Entrepreneur
4. The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur
Paying price to be free
1. Insurance解約 0929
2. 歐洲大海嘯《商業週刊》1008
【金融海嘯連環效應】房價下跌→房地產證券化商品價格暴跌→銀行倒閉→資本市場信心危機→信用緊縮,現金為王→銀行抽銀根,緊縮企業貸款→企業因週轉不靈而歇業或裁員→失業潮來臨→消費緊縮, 開始節省度日→經濟衰退, 一片蕭條
1.Rich Dad and Poor Dad
2. Why we want you to be rich
3. 讓川普讚嘆的小子
4. Teach to be rich
5. 90/10 Principle
6. Winning with People
TV Program
1. The Apprentice
2. Episode 2:Referening Donald Trump
3. Taste of MDRT. Million Dollar Round Table
4. 天下雜誌影音~幸福就是走不一樣的-桂綸鎂
Related Links
1. Wharton Business School
2. Find Famous People
3. Jolin Tsai From Businessweek
4. Canfield’s Success Secret
5. 天下雜誌之經濟學人翻譯
6. e-stoke 發財網http://www.e-stock.com.tw/ (萬寶週刊)
7. 智富網 http://www.smartnet.com.tw/
8. FundDJ基智網 http://www.funddj.com 9. StockQ http://www.stockq.org/
10. 鉅亨網 http://www.cnyes.com/
11. 聚財網 http://www.wearn.com/
13. 股海大白痴的紀錄http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!5kmMi62TGRNqJhuoJ2dw kw--
14.台股神兵財經部落格http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!aeAebyGVHkc.lGvYi38P 1A Hj
15. http://www.pcafunds.com.tw/funds_start/fund_start.htm (基金)
16 http://www.pcalife.com.tw/corpProd/index.do?actionType=list# (基金)
17. http://www.168invest.info
1. Academic smart & Street Smart
2. Direct Salling
3. Small Business Strategy
4. Doing Business 2009
1. World Bank
2. 雷曼垮台最大受惠者 恩洪大賺10億美元 (Smart Magazine)
1. Real Estate
2. Stock
3. World Bank
1. ING
2. 財團法人保險事業發展中心
3. 低價分期 產險業促銷健康險
Personal Finance Management
1. can’t get rich
Negotiation skills
1. Kim Mogull
2. Donald Trump
3. Secret of Entrepreneur
4. The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur
Paying price to be free
1. Insurance解約 0929
2. 歐洲大海嘯《商業週刊》1008
【金融海嘯連環效應】房價下跌→房地產證券化商品價格暴跌→銀行倒閉→資本市場信心危機→信用緊縮,現金為王→銀行抽銀根,緊縮企業貸款→企業因週轉不靈而歇業或裁員→失業潮來臨→消費緊縮, 開始節省度日→經濟衰退, 一片蕭條
1.Rich Dad and Poor Dad
2. Why we want you to be rich
3. 讓川普讚嘆的小子
4. Teach to be rich
5. 90/10 Principle
6. Winning with People
TV Program
1. The Apprentice
2. Episode 2:Referening Donald Trump
3. Taste of MDRT. Million Dollar Round Table
4. 天下雜誌影音~幸福就是走不一樣的-桂綸鎂
Related Links
1. Wharton Business School
2. Find Famous People
3. Jolin Tsai From Businessweek
4. Canfield’s Success Secret
5. 天下雜誌之經濟學人翻譯
6. e-stoke 發財網http://www.e-stock.com.tw/ (萬寶週刊)
7. 智富網 http://www.smartnet.com.tw/
8. FundDJ基智網 http://www.funddj.com 9. StockQ http://www.stockq.org/
10. 鉅亨網 http://www.cnyes.com/
11. 聚財網 http://www.wearn.com/
13. 股海大白痴的紀錄http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!5kmMi62TGRNqJhuoJ2dw kw--
14.台股神兵財經部落格http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!aeAebyGVHkc.lGvYi38P 1A Hj
15. http://www.pcafunds.com.tw/funds_start/fund_start.htm (基金)
16 http://www.pcalife.com.tw/corpProd/index.do?actionType=list# (基金)
17. http://www.168invest.info
2008年9月24日 星期三
[selling] Talk with sales(1)
1) 保險背景知識(商品,法條,費用)
1) Form and meaning: referent, denotation, connotation
e.g. 『意外』in daily live
referent: 指射對象
denotation: unexpected event
connotation: neutral meaning
『意外』in insurance law
excluded by
a) 疾病引起
b) 故意
c) 犯法
The different definition (denotation) of "accident" of daily live conversation and law, might caused the difficulty in identifying" the accident caused by disease, such as heart attack," would "not" be considered as "accident" in insurance contract.
2) 語意與數據 (數據管理時事通訊- TDAN.com )
3) 销售的语言魅力: 出色的销售人员,是一个懂得如何把语言的艺术融入到商品销售中的人。可以这样说,一个成功销售人员,要培养自己的语言魅力。有了语言魅力,就有了成功的可能。
L ife Couch-NLP 全感官銷售
1) A Pragmatic Analysis of Persuasive Communication in Clothe Marketing An Meili
1) 保險背景知識(商品,法條,費用)
1) Form and meaning: referent, denotation, connotation
e.g. 『意外』in daily live
referent: 指射對象
denotation: unexpected event
connotation: neutral meaning
『意外』in insurance law
excluded by
a) 疾病引起
b) 故意
c) 犯法
The different definition (denotation) of "accident" of daily live conversation and law, might caused the difficulty in identifying" the accident caused by disease, such as heart attack," would "not" be considered as "accident" in insurance contract.
2) 語意與數據 (數據管理時事通訊- TDAN.com )
3) 销售的语言魅力: 出色的销售人员,是一个懂得如何把语言的艺术融入到商品销售中的人。可以这样说,一个成功销售人员,要培养自己的语言魅力。有了语言魅力,就有了成功的可能。
L ife Couch-NLP 全感官銷售
1) A Pragmatic Analysis of Persuasive Communication in Clothe Marketing An Meili
2008年6月15日 星期日
2008年6月11日 星期三
[音韻] Part Five: Ch 23.3~6 How do Listeners Compensate for Phonology?
Part Five: Ch 23.3~6 How do Listeners Compensate for Phonology?
23.3 Experiment 2
23.3.1 Methods
Use monomorphemic non-words in (C)VCCV(V)
A linguistically naïve female native Korean speaker recorded the stimuli
310 different items occurred twice
Ten Korean native speakers as listeners
23.3.2. Results
Listeners show high rates of correct response(96.8%) to the fillers.
23.3.3 Discussion
Whether listeners can infer the underlying forms
From phonetic homorganic clusters in non-words
Interesting result
Velar stimuli
Both /s.k/ and /p.k/ assimilate to [k.k] in natural speech
Main factors of lowering YES response
Frequency of labial-to-velar assimilation
Coronal-to-noncornoal assimilation
23.4 Experiment 3
23.4.1 Methods
Stimuli is pseudo-compounds consisting of two words
Listeners were provided transcription options
Ten Korean native speakers
23.4.2. Results
Rate of YES is 96.3%
Subject understood the task
23.4.3 Discussion
Test the expectation
If listeners identified the initial morpheme in a new compound
Higher than the previous ones
23.5 General Discussion
Subject are
preferred homorganic clusters as underlying forms
preferred coronal as targets of assimilation
Response pattern in Experiment 2 &3
Support the phonological-inference account
Listeners did not recover legal heterorganic clusters as underlying form
Result of Experiment 3
Show listeners reply more on phonological inference.
23.6 Conclusion
To test whether listeners use their phonological knowledge to infer original forms in speech recognition
Result suggest
Phonological inference is a part of the speech recognition process
23.3 Experiment 2
23.3.1 Methods
Use monomorphemic non-words in (C)VCCV(V)
A linguistically naïve female native Korean speaker recorded the stimuli
310 different items occurred twice
Ten Korean native speakers as listeners
23.3.2. Results
Listeners show high rates of correct response(96.8%) to the fillers.
23.3.3 Discussion
Whether listeners can infer the underlying forms
From phonetic homorganic clusters in non-words
Interesting result
Velar stimuli
Both /s.k/ and /p.k/ assimilate to [k.k] in natural speech
Main factors of lowering YES response
Frequency of labial-to-velar assimilation
Coronal-to-noncornoal assimilation
23.4 Experiment 3
23.4.1 Methods
Stimuli is pseudo-compounds consisting of two words
Listeners were provided transcription options
Ten Korean native speakers
23.4.2. Results
Rate of YES is 96.3%
Subject understood the task
23.4.3 Discussion
Test the expectation
If listeners identified the initial morpheme in a new compound
Higher than the previous ones
23.5 General Discussion
Subject are
preferred homorganic clusters as underlying forms
preferred coronal as targets of assimilation
Response pattern in Experiment 2 &3
Support the phonological-inference account
Listeners did not recover legal heterorganic clusters as underlying form
Result of Experiment 3
Show listeners reply more on phonological inference.
23.6 Conclusion
To test whether listeners use their phonological knowledge to infer original forms in speech recognition
Result suggest
Phonological inference is a part of the speech recognition process
2008年6月10日 星期二
[華教] 華語教學
.jpg)
1. 國際文化教育事業處
2. 國內教學單位
3. 全球華文網路教育中心
4. 華語文應用寫作教學
5. 加拿大中文教學學會
1. 遠距華語教學實驗課程
1. Mandrainholic 中文狂
2. 華語文教學分享館
2008年6月8日 星期日
[音韻] Further reading of Ch16.3~4
1.《Acoustical society of America Digital Library》http://scitation.aip.org/getabs/servlet/GetabsServlet?prog=normal&id=JASMAN00012200000200EL35000001&idtype=cvips&gifs=yes
2. 〈HST 725 Lecture 6 Temporal models for musical pitch〉Howard-MIT Division if Health Science & Technology, HST 725: Music Perception & cognitive, Prof Peter Carinar
3. Peter Assmann
4. Terreance Nearey
5. Ch11: Controls and Data entry devices〉輔大心理系
http://psy.vb-net.org/HF2007/2007ch11.ppt#257,1,Ch11. Controls and Data Entry Devices 控制器與資料輸入裝置
6. Ψ
The letter psi is commonly used in physics for representing a wavefunction in quantum mechanics, particularly with the Schrödinger equation and bra-ket notation: . It is also used to represent the (generalized) positional states of a qubit in a quantum computer.
Psi is also used as the symbol for the polygamma function, defined by
where Γ(x) is the gamma function.
2. 〈HST 725 Lecture 6 Temporal models for musical pitch〉Howard-MIT Division if Health Science & Technology, HST 725: Music Perception & cognitive, Prof Peter Carinar
3. Peter Assmann
4. Terreance Nearey
5. Ch11: Controls and Data entry devices〉輔大心理系
http://psy.vb-net.org/HF2007/2007ch11.ppt#257,1,Ch11. Controls and Data Entry Devices 控制器與資料輸入裝置
6. Ψ
The letter psi is commonly used in physics for representing a wavefunction in quantum mechanics, particularly with the Schrödinger equation and bra-ket notation: . It is also used to represent the (generalized) positional states of a qubit in a quantum computer.
Psi is also used as the symbol for the polygamma function, defined by
where Γ(x) is the gamma function.
文章 (Atom)