lunch with my friends
It's being a while that I haven't seen my good friends from college.
When we just graduated from university, we met quite often.
In the beginning, we talked about how to fit into the society.
Then, we talked about how we dealt with colleague.
Latter, we talked about how be economic independent, and got balance between job and personal life.
Somehow, we all made different choices in our lives.
Some moved to U.S., some moved to Mainland China, some moved to somewhere else.
Some one was in love, and some got married.
Then, we met once a year.
Sometimes, we met each other at their weddings, talking about our lives and goals.
Once in a while, we talked about the difficulty of dealing with families.
Most of time, we talked about the babies, and some other new family members.
Now, we met every two years.
Most of the times, we talked about lives and the status of our goals.
Once in a while, we talked about the healthy condition of ourselves, and families.
Sometimes, we talked about how to raise children, and educate them.
Nowadays, MSN, Facebook, and blog are different methods for people to share their lives, timely.
However, how much and how often would us use them to connect with the good-old-friends?
It's strange that some friends would accompany you all the time, and some friends are just like bus-stops.