2013年6月28日 星期五

[Legend] (Jun) 2012-2013 Discharge& installation, EVP journey

Jun, 2013
Discharge and installation ceremony.
President Thomas handles the agenda. Thanks.

14:15 Reception
14:30 Opening by President Thomas Tseng
14:35 Toastmaster of the Meeting Kevin Lin
14:40 Timer’s Duty Statement Annie Ju
14:43 Ah Counter’s Duty Statement Randy Luong
14:45 Variety Session Eddie Yu
15:00 Prepared Speech Session
[C4] Embrace Problems (5’-7’) Frank Chen
Claire Huang 
[C2] Champion of Jazz (5’-7’) Vic Dai (NCU)
15:25 Discharge Ceremony Emily Chan 
15:35 Farewell Speech Thomas Tseng 
15:45 Intermission
15:55 Installation Ceremony Emily Chan
16:05 Inaugural Speech Clare Lu 
16:15 Evaluation Session
1st Timer Report / Ah-Counter Report
[C4] How to say it Rebecca Sung
[AX] TBD Josh Yang 
[C2] Organize Your Speech 
Shiela Wang 
16:30 2nd Timer Report / Ah-Counter Report
General Evaluation Sandy Tseng
16:45 [Demo] Evaluation for the Evaluators Bonita Hsu (IMA)
16:55 Closing by President Clare Lu

In-coming officers, 2013-2014:
Title English Name
President Clare Lu
VPE Frank Chen
VPM Julia Hsu
DVPM Rebecca Sung
VPPR Eddie Yu
DVPPR Hecate Lai
Secretary Annie Ju
Deputy Secretary Vicky Li
Treasurer Kevin Lin
SAA Randy Luong
Deputy SAA Josh Yang
Webmaster Thomas Tseng

Snapshots of the meetings, 2012-2013
Made by me.
Legend TMC, 2012-2013.
Time to look back and go forward.

2013年6月27日 星期四

[Legend] (Jan-Jun) 2010-2011

To follow up with the record.
Second part of the record.
Jan-Jun, 2011.

Jan, 2011My friends,

Since Legend Jan. & Feb. meetings also happen to be new year vacation, we'd like to reschedule our meeting dates as followed: Jan. meeting will change to 2010.01.08 banquet; Feb. meeting will change to 2010.01.29 (Sat.) afternoon. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact officer team. Welcome all the guests to join us and have fun!


14:00 Reception
14:15 Opening by President Cody Huang
14:25 Toastmaster of the Meeting Cody Huang
14:27 Timer’s Duty Statement Shuman Huang
14:30 Ah Counter Briefing Ryan Chung
14:35 Variety Session Clare Chang
14:45 Prepared Speech Session
[C5] If It's Not Hard, It's Not
Worthy!(5’-7’) Alice Lee
[C5] Your Body Talks (5’-7’) Thomas Tseng
[A10] 1949 (7’-9’) Hecate Lai
[Demo] Photographing Taiwan's
Betelnut Beauties (18’-20’) Tobie Openshaw
15:35 Intermission
15:45 [Workshop] Master of Table Topics
(20’-25’) Tobie Openshaw
16:10 Table Topics Session Melissa Gao
16:25 Evaluation Session
16:30 1st Timer Report / Ah-Counter Report
[C5] Your Body Speaks (2’-3’) Henson Weng
[C5] Your Body Speaks (2’-3’) Bernie Hsieh
[A10] Bringing History to Life (2’-3’) Kevin Lin
16:40 2nd Timer Report / Ah-Counter Report
16:45 General Evaluation Sandy Tseng
16:55 Closing by President Cody Huang

Mar, 2011

April, 2011
14:00 Reception
14:15 Opening by President Cody Huang
14:25 Toastmaster of the Meeting Clare Chang
14:27 Timer’s Duty Statement Thomas Tseng
14:30 Ah Counter Briefing Rojer Chen
14:35 Variety Session Joanne Kao
14:50 Prepared Speech Session
[C5] If It's Not Hard, It's Not
Worthy!(5’-7’) Alice Lee
[A3] Squirrel Eats... (5’-7’) Sandy Tseng
[A4] Remarkable Contribution (3’-4’) Alvin Lee
[Workshop] How to Say It (20’-25’) Sandy Tseng
15:40 Intermission
15:55 Table Topics Session Rebecca Sung
16:10 Evaluation Session
16:15 1st Timer Report / Ah-Counter Report
[C5] Your Body Speaks (2’-3’) Iris Huang
[A3] Warm UP Your Audience (2’-3’) Kevin Chu
[A4] Presenting an Award (2’-3’) Vicky Li
16:35 2nd Timer Report / Ah-Counter Report
16:40 General Evaluation Cody Huang
16:50 Closing by President Cody Huang
17:00 Meeting Adjourned

May, 2011

14:00 Reception
14:15 Opening by President Cody Huang
14:25 Toastmaster of the Meeting Penny Chen
14:27 Timer’s Duty Statement Alice Lee
14:30 Ah Counter Briefing Joanne Kao
14:35 Variety Session Pearl Kang
14:50 Prepared Speech Session
[A5] Award from Toastmasters (5’-7’) Alvin Lee
[A17] Succeed in Communication (8’-10’) Kevin Lin
[Demo] Humorous Talk (8’-10’) Tobie Openshaw
15:20 [Workshop] Your Inner Edge Alvin Lee
15:45 Intermission
16:00 Table Topics Session Bernie Hsieh
16:15 Evaluation Session
16:20 1st Timer Report / Ah-Counter Report
[A5] Accepting an Award (2’-3’) Sandy Tseng
[A17] The Radio Talk Show (2’-3’) Cody Huang
16:35 2nd Timer Report / Ah-Counter Report
16:40 General Evaluation Julian Lee
16:50 Closing by President Cody Huang

Jun, 2011

Discharge & Installation Ceremony
Date: June, 4th. (Saturday)
Venue: Sing Ren Elementary School
14:00 Reception
14:15 Words of Welcome Vicky Li
14:20 Variety Session
14:35 Discharge Ceremony Kevin Lin/Officer Team
15:00 Farewell Speech Cody Huang
15:15 Intermission
15:35 Installation Ceremony Alvin Lee/Officer Team
15:55 Inaugural Speech Alice Lee
16:10 Closing Remarks Vicky Li

[Legend] (Jul-Sep) 2011-2012 PR record

To follow up with the record.Words of welcome from President Alice, and agenda:

Dear Legend members and supporters,

This Saturday is Legend's regular meeting at 2:15 p.m. on 7/2 . This time,
we have Thomas to share his sexy experience in Barcelona, moreover, our trainer Roger du is going to talk about gender communication and appreciation.And I, Alice, is going to take you to see my personal life as an English teacher.

Free food, free venue with excellent speeches and training, what're you waiting for?

Just come and join us this Saturday ! ! !

14:00 Reception
14:15 Opening by President Alice Lee
14:25 Toastmaster of the Meeting Hecate
14:27 Timer’s Duty Statement Julia
14:30 Ah Counter Briefing Penny
14:35 Variety Session Burnie
14:50 Prepared Speech Session
C7] (5’-7’) What you should do when you are in Barcelona

C6] My Job(5’-7’)
Alice Lee

15:30 [Workshop] Speak like the opposite sex, gender communication and appreciation Roger du
15:55 Intermission
16:10 Table Topics Session Sandy
16:25 Evaluation Session
16:30 1st Timer Report / Ah-Counter Report
[C7] Research Your Topic (2’-3’) Pearl
[C6] Vocal Variety(2’ -3’) Alvin
16:40 2nd Timer Report / Ah-Counter Report
16:45 General Evaluation Josh
16:55 Grammarian Vicky
16:55 Closing by President Alice Lee

17:00 Meeting Adjourned
Jul, 2011

TM Hecate, variety session master Bernie, and speaker Thomas, Alice, and workshop trainer Roger, made the meeting fun and educational.

TM Hecate, variety session master Bernie, and speaker Thomas, Alice, and workshop trainer Roger, made the meeting fun and educational.

Aug, 2011
Forward mail from president Alice, and agenda

"Dear fellow members and distinguished guests,

Tomorrow is a big day for Legend, we're going to hold a
fairwell party for Cody, it will be a sentimental and
warm-hearted meeting, our goal is to make Cody cry
and laugh at the same time, so don't miss it!

We have....

1. Nirupama's training on leadership, Niru is an
expert on neuro-psychology, you'll be impressed
by her outstanding knowledge and speech!

2. Our excellent speakers Clare, Rojer, and Sandy
are going to talk about the food and Cody.

3. If you're lucky, you may see our youngest Legend
members--- 豆皮 and Angel :)

 As usual, we'll have great food and music to
celebrate this special event, in addition, our second
round will be held in KTV, you'll hear Cody's angelic
voice! So...




14:15  Opening by President  Alice
14:25  Toastmaster of the Meeting Penny
14:27  Timer’s Duty Statement  Berrnie
14:30 Ah Counter Briefing  Thomas
14:35 Variety Session  Cody
14:50Prepared Speech Session
[C4] The Art of Eating (5’-7’)  Clare
[C8] [C8] Get comfortable with your visual aids (2’-3’)
(5’-7’) Roger
15:10 [A4]Cody (3’~5’)  Sandy
15:30  Training: Leadership Happens at Every so start leading!!! (15’-20’)  Nirupama
15:55  Intermission
16:10  Table Topics Session Kevin
16:25 Evaluation Session
16:30 1stTimer Report / Ah-Counter Report
[C4] How to say it (2’-3’) Vicky
[C8] Get comfortable with your visual aids (2’-3’) Tobie
[A4] The roast (2’-3’)
2ndTimer Report / Ah-Counter Report
General Evaluation Rebecca

Legend TMC, July 30 meeting. All about Cody....FOOD!
Group photo with豆皮~

First Legend meeting without Cody Huang~~~~
Thomas is the best speaker, Sept 3,2011

Sep, 2011
Forward the mail from president Alice and agenda

Dear Legend members and friends,

9/3 (Sat.) is Legend's regular meeting, and we have
something special for you, please come and energize
yourself through the meeting!

1. Bernie will be the TM to hold the meeting, let's see
how he entertains the audience with his unique style.

2. Thomas and Alvin will be delivering their C8 and A6
speeches, the topics are "Railway Fan" & "A Joke"
Let's find out how funny Alvin's joke is.

3. Moreover, Legend has the honor to invite the heavy-
weighted speaker --- Johnny to do the demo speech
and Julia to be the trainer of story-telling !!!

Please come and join with us , to visit your old friends 
and have laughters to fill up your Saturday afternoon.



14:00 Reception
14:15 Opening by President Alice Lee
14:25 Toastmaster of the Meeting Bernie Hsieh
14:27 Timer’s Duty Statement Clare Chang
14:30 Ah Counter Briefing Sandy Tseng
14:35 Variety Session Joanne Kao
14:50 Prepared Speech Session
15:00 [C8] Railway fan (5’-7’) Thomas Tseng
[A6] A joke (5’-7’) AlvinLee
15:10 [Demo Speaker] Take a bow (6’-8’) Johnny Chang
15:30 Workshop Julia Chen
Training: Story telling (15’-20’)
15:55 Intermission
16:10 Table Topics Session Andy Chang
16:25 Evaluation Session
1stTimer Report / Ah-Counter Report
16:30 [C8] Get comfortable with your visual aids(2’-3’) Josh Yang
[A6] Warm up your audience(2’-3’)Kevin Lin
16:40 2ndTimer Report / Ah-Counter Report
16:45 General Evaluation Julia Hsu
16:55 Closing by President Alice Lee

Storytelling queen, Julia Chen, gave us the wonderful "story-telling" workshop ; Lai Jyun Kuei came to support Legend's ah-counter; and my cute cup present.

First Legend meeting without Cody Huang~~~~
Thomas is the best speaker, Sept 3,2011

Storytelling queen, Julia Chen, gave us the wonderful "story-telling" workshop ; Lai Jyun Kuei came to support Legend's ah-counter; and my cute cup present.

[Legend] (Oct-Dec) 2011-2012 PR record

To follow up the record.
Oct, 2011

Sandy Hui-Chen Tseng 's warm variety session "the history of Legend" was designed to let the membersto know the glorious past of Legend TMC (now it's Legend 7th year since it was chartered) and carry the wishes of Legend for the current officer team. During the session, Penny Chen, told us her first contact with NCU TMC, 2 years ago; Pearl Kong told us she recorded the traditional installation of Legend TMC (Alvin Lee 's installation, 2009 June). I just like the way I "bring history to live.

Award session, Sandy Hui-Chen Tseng got the best session master by hosting the "Cody Huang's letter and history of Legend"; Clare Chang got the best prepared speaker by her funny speech about "teaching"; appreication to workshop trainer, Kevin Lin, by his "advanced manual: pubic relationship"; also feedback session from guest, Eddie Yu and Bonnie Lo, and Pearl's daughter.

Award session, Sandy Hui-Chen Tseng got the best session master by hosting the "Cody Huang's letter and history of Legend"; Clare Chang got the best prepared speaker by her funny speech about "teaching"; appreication to workshop trainer, Kevin Lin, by his "advanced manual: pubic relationship"; also feedback session from guest, Eddie Yu and Bonnie Lo, and Pearl's daughter.

Nov, 2011
Legend's coming meeting on Nov 5,2011.
I am thinking about a theme "baby" for Vicky and Josh.
Let's wait and see.
Feedbacks are welcomed.

20111105 Legend Meeting_1: Alvin Lee hosts a "photo&taboo" variety session game for us. We,Andrew Chen,Richard Lo, all have fun in this game.

20111105 Legend Meeting_2: TM Rebecca Sung, gives us the great theme "how do you deal with your setbacks in life"; speaker, Clare Chang, tells us her dream under C6 requriement; Nirupama Sudhakar, gives us her farewell speech(emotional & touching);Daniel Huang, rehearses his contest speech; the man just-engaged, Henson Weng, brings us his engagement cake.

20111105 Legend Meeting_3: Trainer, Roger Du, gives us the easy, simple, and wonderful "sandwich" workshop; guest from Hsinchu TMC, Ann Hsu, is answering the table question; Niru's hushand, is answering the question about his opinion about Taiwan; GE Rojer Chen, provides the effective feedback; IE Thomas's eveluation is quite logical. He provides the constructive feedback for C6 speaker, Clare.

20111105 Legend Meeting_4: group photo. Thank guest, Andrew ChenNirupama Sudhakar, Niru's husband, and etc for coming. Also, special thank to EVP Penny and President Alice for everything and anything.

Dec, 2011
 Yeah~ last meeting in 2011.
Looks like this time, we have great speakers "1)Alvin 2)Pearl 3)Julia 4)Sandy"
So, we do need evaluators and guests to witness it.
See you.
2011.12.03 Legend Meeting_3: supporter Richard from Taoyuan TMC as the GE; great Toastmaster of the day, Rojer Chen, he also won the best session master; guest from NCU international student(from German); and my cute Snoopy & Maggie and my song "月亮代表我的心" for Bernie Hsieh.

2011.12.03 Legend Meeting_2: Happy Birthday toBernie Hsieh in table topics; great workshop fromTobie Openshaw (about how to apply the TM skills in his project for the aboriginal); supporter from YZU, Maggie Hsu, as the IE for Sandy Hui-Chen Tseng's "My piano"; Ivy from NCU as the IE for Eddie Yu's "Never say never " and the best IE, Rebecca Sungfor Alvin Lee's "Secret of dating"

Group photo: HelperBernie Hsieh's birthday cake; super senior TM Sophia Lai(YZU) as timer; best prepared speaker Eddie Yu(Chungli EVP, talking about "Never say Never"); supporter from NCU TMC, Celia Yun, as the creative variety session master. Also, special thanks to the unsong hero, Thomas Tseng and Alice (Yun-han Lee) , for helping with the agenda

Snapshots of Legend meetings, 2012.