2013年6月24日 星期一

[Legend] (Jul-Sep) 2012-2013 EVP journey

From mt Facebook message record to Legend, I think this is the record of my journey, serve as the vice president of education of Legend Advanced Toastmasters, 2012-2013.
Due to the size limitation, I cut the article into pieces.

July 3,2012

"Please schedule your time to come to the meeting.

Please let Thomas or me know your ideas about the assignments.

So far, Vicky told us she wanted to give her A1 speech!!!!


So far, I have 5 speakers: Vicky Li's A1, Derek Chung's C2, Clare Lu's C5, Eddie Yu's C5, and Taoyuan's Hease's ?. + table session masterJosh Yang. So, you are welcomed to take other assignments.

TM of the Day, helpers(timer),table topic masters, IE*5, GE.

Actually, I don't mind if we have 5-6 speakers, and then, we have 5-6 IEs.

No other session. hahahaha.

We are the advanced club.

Tell me and Thomas what you want.

Let's see if we can make it.

p.s. speakers, please give me your speech level, objective, and time requirement.
till need more people to join the meeting. Anyone wants to be timer, GE, or IE? (I may switch Thomas to be TM of the day).

So far, Thomas, TM, Josh variety session master, Derek's C2, Eddie Yu's C5, Clare Lu's C5, +IE Julia Hsu, Kevin Lin, IE*?, Sandy Hui-Chen Tseng, table topics master."

Aug 2013
Dear Legend TMC members and friends,

We just finished the first meeting under Thomas's presidentency.(July 7,2012)

Thomas and the new officer team may have different ideas about the coming meetings, 2012-2013.

So, you are welcomed to tell us what you want.

Actually, there are lots of Legend TM activities in our previous July 7 meeting:

12:00-14:00 officer meeting;

14:00-17:00 regular meeting;
17:00-19:00 2nd run- officer meeting;
19:00-01:00 3rd run- live concert at the beach(Eddie, Rojer, Hecate, Clare and me).
Really tired, but, it is so much fun to be with you guys.
Legend TMC is a big family.

Back to the main point, we are going to have a meeting on Aug 4,2012.
Please schedule your time to come to the meeting.

So far, we have one speaker told me and Thomas that she is going to give speech. 
Vicky's A1.
Also, I want to give my A8, storytelling manual, folk take.
Josh wanted to be the table topics master.
Clare Lu wanted to be the variety session master
Also, we have YZU Brian Lin to be the workshop trainer about evaluation.

So, you are welcomed to take other assignments.
Please contact with Thomas and me.

TM of the Day, 

p.s. speakers, please give me your speech level, time, objective, and time requirement.


Draft agenda:

Opening by President Thomas Tseng ,CC

Toastmaster of the Meeting Thomas Tseng ,CC

Timer’s Duty Statement Derek Chung, TM & Eddie Yu , TM

Ah Counter Briefing Shuman Huang , TM 

Variety Session Clare Lu, TM

Prepared Speech Session 

[A17] “Interview with…… ” (3’-5’ presentation & 2’-3’ Q&A . Total 5’-8’)
Albert Wu , ACB & Sunday Lin, CC
[A1] “Best choice for your best Companion ” (10’-12’) Vicky Li, CC,CL
[A8] “What I Learn From the Cleaning Lady ” (5’-7’) Rebecca Sung, CC
[A20] “The lady” (7’-9’) Julia Hsu, ACB
Table Topics Session Josh Yang, ACS,ALS
Evaluation Session 
Public relationship manual [radio talkshow](2’-3’) Kevin Lin, ACS,ALB 
Specialty speeches [selling a product](2’-3’) Brian Lin, CC,CL
Special occasion [speaking in praise] (2’-3’) Sandy Tseng, CC, ALB
Storytelling [bring history to life] (2’-3’) Hecate Lai, ACB 
General Evaluation Erin Lee, CC

I grow up near the beach, and I am familiar with Chu-wei beach.
These 2 years, I started to take the photos of the beach.
It's easy for me to catch people's attention when they seldom go to see the beach. 
My friends always told me "Sandy, your photos about the beach are BEAUTIFUL!"
So, I'd like to invite you to go to my hometown beach(Tao-yuan, Taiy-uan) after Legend's Aug 4 meeting, say, we arrive there at 17:30 or 18:00. 
Play at the beach, eat the snacks, or seafood at the restaurant.

大家可以來沙子、 玩水、拍夕陽,

Legend Aug 4 meeting應該五點就會結束,從內壢開車到桃園的竹圍,應該要40分鐘左右。
如果要吃海產,也可以去海產店裡吃(大約10道菜, 4000元,或是看有什麼點什麼)


2012.08.04 Legend, Sunset at the beach (2nd run) 
Time: 17:30-20:30
Place: Taoyuan, Chu-wei,竹圍漁港 台灣 桃園縣大園鄉10號
17:30-18:00:Gathering @竹圍海水浴場沙灘 
18:00-19:10: Enjoy the sunset & play @ beach
19:20-20:30: Dinner
@龍泉海鮮餐廳, 桃園縣大園鄉沙崙村港口路46巷15號,+886 3 393 6689
20:30~ : Gossip or go home

p.s. need 2 to 3 cars (Thomas, Eddie YuJosh Yang, please help)

So far, Thomas, Sandy, Josh, Hecate Lai, Eddie, Clare LuShuman Huang, Erin (+Vicky Li & Q寶, Ann Chiu)=11 are in.

竹圍海水浴場沙灘: 桃園機場 -> 桃園客運竹圍站 ->往前叉路「海水浴場排樓」左轉,停車場那就有放風箏的地方,往左走,經過一堆小吃攤,就會看到了。

But if it rains, plan B goes to Thomas. Maybe we just have a nice dinner near YZU. Go to the beach in Sept.

Sept, 2013
Dear members and the friends,

WoW, we just finished our "super meeting" in Aug 4, 2012.
You can see the great photos from Josh; 
you can see the great smiles from the people at the 2nd run;
you can see why Legend TMC is a family.

As the vice president of education, I'd like to remind you about the coming Sept 1 meeting.

So far, assignments as below:

TM of the day:?
Ah-counter: ?
Variety session: ? maybe joke session?
Speaker 1: Vicky's A2,
Speaker 2: Sandy's A8 or Shuman's C8 (I invite her to give a speech about her trip in Europe)
Evaluation Workshop: Josh Yang (20-25 mins)
Table topics: ?
IE 1: ?
IE2: ?
GE: ?

Also, I get some information about the guests, who would like to visit Legend Sept 1 meeting: NCU Celia, Hsinchu Johnson.

p.s. this time, I would limit the speaker to 3, for we have 20-25 mins workshop.

Last reminder: If you'd like to join Div. E contest in Oct, please start to be prepare for humorously speech or evaluation.
Let me or Thomas whether you'd like to join it by Sept 1.

