2009年4月5日 星期日

4/4 Visit Legend TM

^^ I like Legend 4/4 Meeting ~~

I had a great time there. I laughed too much and become hungry during the meeting. (During the past week, I had a hard time “fighting with” my master thesis><.) April 4 meeting was a very warm one. From the beginning to the end: it started with music, and ended with music as well.(David is amazing) Josh conducted the meeting in an informative way. (I always want to copy Josh’s “informative style” as a host/ TME). I like the Variety session conducted by Benjamin. The game made me felt like a fool somehow. All the speakers made us laugh all the time, especially, Vicki’s (I like Vicki’s speech very much. In the past, I did spend lots of money on cosmetics!) Alvin’s “the reason of positive thinking” also touched my heart. Every single word counted. For the heavy-weighted IE team, especially Tobie’s feedback, I realized that: it might require a lot of time and effort for the contestants to prepare for the contest. WoW! There was so much to learn in TM. Anyway, I still want to say: thanks for giving the wonderful Saturday afternoon, Legend and all the “regular guests” from division E.
